Chapter 05

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I woke up early than I usually do

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I woke up early than I usually do. I got up from my bed and made myself a cup of coffee, wearing an oversized black tee shirt, I then stepped into my balcony, taking in the fresh air and grey sky. Oh how much I love grey skies, how much I love rains. I want to move into a place where it rains often and the sky is mostly grey.

Just as I was admiring the view, my eyes fell on the person living opposite to me. He too had a cup of coffee in his hands and a book in the other one, he looked so breathtaking. His black air gently swaying by the breeze and him pulling off his pyjamas very well. He looks like a model, so beautiful.

As I was checking him out, our eyes suddenly met making me halt, my breathe quickened but then calmed down. My heartbeat was so fast but as soon as he smiled, everything seemed to fall into place. He held onto the railing and placed the book on the small table in his balcony. "Morning" He said in his deep voice. Goosebumps crawled all over my body, I collected myself and smiled "Morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked. He nodded "Well, might take me sometime to adjust in here but rest was okay, what about you?"

How do I tell him all my night went by thinking about him, his cologne made me shiver and I got to sleep for just an hour or two. "Very nice, did you have breakfast?" He shook his head "I don't usually eat in mornings, don't feel like it" I nodded. We both silently gazed at the clouds covering the sky and said "Beautiful" together. That made me chuckle and well, no emotions from him.

"Y/N, I was wondering if I could drop you to school and bring you back with me today, is it fine?" He looked at my face. I thought for a minute and then rejected his offer. "I am so thankful you asked this but I think Yuki and Emma would be upset" I smiled nervously. "Well, I don't think they will be attending school today" I frowned "How do you know?" I asked, he just shrugged "Call them and ask"

I frowned and went in to grab my cell. I first called Yuki and she picked up the call "Hey Yuki! What's up? Are you guys coming to school today?" Yuki scoffed from the other side "Emma had an accident last night, we called you but your phone was off, I even texted you but you didn't see it, Emma is at hospital rn" I gasped, horrible scenarios filled my brain "How did it happen? Is she okay!?" Yuki just sighed "Someone punctured the tyre of her car and yeah she is okay, airbag saved her. Dont worry, u go to school, Alex knows and he is at the hospital with me, we want you to go to school, take down notes and share them" I agreed and ended the call.

How does Zeus know this? Even I didn't know it till now, they are my besties but a stranger knows? Something is definitely weird about all this. I went to the balcony in a rush but he wasn't there. I sighed and went in to take a bath and get ready for school. This isn't making sense, how does he even know?


I stepped out of my house, locking the door behind. I gasped as a loud car honk pierced my ears. I frowned, my eyes fell on the expensive sports car infront of my house. Inside it was sitting one and only, Mr Neighbour, Zeus.

I hesitantly made my steps towards the car. He smirked a little at my reaction. Getting out of the car, he leaned against the window of his car, arms rolled on chest as he looked deep into my eyes "So, want me to drive you school?" I sighed "Sure .....I have nobody to go school with today anyway" He nodded and went to the other side, opening the door for me, making my heart flutter "My lady" He smirked and motioned me to get in. I blushed hard and got in as fast as I could.


We were half way school and I decided to ask him the question that's been bothering me. "Mm if you don't mind, can I ask you something?" He glanced at me and then looked at the road again, nodding "Anything" he said. "How did you know Yuki and Emma won't come school today?" He tightened his jaw for a second and then spoke "Just a guess" I shook my head "I know it was not a guess! Just tell me please" He licked his lips and stopped the car, looking into my eyes again.

"Don't be mad at me for this, alright?" He said. I nodded hesitantly. "Last night, you seemed so focused while doing your assignments, your phone vibrated, I saw that and put the phone on silent, I am sorry, I had no bad intentions then a message flashed, saying 'pick up the call!', all that girls have to talk is about their crushes, hook ups most of the time so I didn't want you to see the text and waste your time"

I sighed "Emma had an accident last night, that was an important call Zeus, I appreciate you didn't want me to get distracted but next time,please refrain for touching my phone or touching anyone's phone at all, that's not a good habit" He smiled for a second before tilting his head "You noticed that?" He asked, I frowned "What?" He chuckled a little "You said my name for the first time" I blushed and looked at my lap "Say that again" I looked at him with a confused gaze. His face darkened and he said in a more demanding voice "Again" I gulped "Z-Zeus" He let out a harsh breathe and ruffled his hair "I love my name from your mouth, again princess"

He is such a weird guy.

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