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Stefan's Point Of View

This sucks ass.

Getting kidnapped when your on your way back to the love of your life, with his flowers and a stuffed bear as an apology gift.

That. That sucks ass.

But what I was talking about before wasn't my situation; it was how a fucking rat the size of a dog with nibbling on my pants!

"Get a snack from somewhere else, you diseased flood drain plug!"

I didn't kick at it, knowing if James somehow found out, he would never forgive me.

He loves all animals, but he's afraid of bugs; so, don't kill a bug, but get it away from him as fast as possible.

It's kinda confusing, but oh well.

I gently nudged the rat away, and focused on getting out of here.

How did I get here? Kidnapped and tied to a chair? Oh, simple; the guy I killed on that mission had family who weren't very happy about his death.

I heard them talking about it. I'm very proud that my ears still work.

They punched me in the face 'cause of my prideful smile, but I don't mind.

I g I t to nap for a while 'cause of it, so it's really a good thing.

"You killed our family! Spilled our blood on the ground!" The woman who appeared to be running this whole thing screeched, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm retired, lady. Only working agents can perform missions. Couldn't'a been me." I lied through a grin, and she deflated, thinking she caught the wrong guy.

"Then who did?"

"Officer Ted. Can you let me go now?"


In complete darkness, I couldn't see her, but she untied me and shoved me into a tunnel.

I went tumbling, falling down countless numbers of flights of stairs before I fell down to a straight drop onto grass.

Oh. Great.

Hope Barton has a guest room; my captors jet just dropped me off in his backyard.


Thank God for creating Clint Barton.

He called James for me, and explained what happened.

He also dealed with James screaming at me through the phone so loud he broke the speaker.

So, I promised Clint the money for a new phone, and he gave me a ride back to the compound.

"You sure you wanna go back already? He seemed really mad on the phone. Might wanna give him so space, Stefan." Clint repeated for the 45th time.

"Yes, I'm sure." I answered again, giving him a smile as we walked inside.

He rolled his eyes, smiling back before I put him in a headlock, ruffling his hair.

"Hey! I just got it perfect!" He whined, pushing me off of him.

I laughed, walking inside with him.

Everyone was waiting for me, Steve with a disapproving, angry face, and Nat with a relieved one, while the others looked about for something.

Or someone.

James was not in the room, so I assume that's who their looking for.

Clint took a seat, and I stayed still upon the feeling behind me.

James was there, watching and waiting.

No one had noticed besides Nat, Steve, Clint, and myself.

"You got kidnapped?"

I didn't turn around, wanting him to make the first move.

"Yes." I answered, staring right into Steve's eyes. His face changed, like he was now finally accepting that as an explanation, and sat down.

"Are you hurt?"


"Are you lying?"


Clint rolled his eyes.

Nat scoffed, and tugged me down in a couch. "Then sit down and rest  until we find you a doctor."

I grumbled, sparing a glance at James, who hid in the shadow of the hallway.

"I was on my way to apologize to James. Is he around?" I asked, looking at Nat, who nodded to the shadow.

"In the hallway's shadow. You really needed to--" I cut her off with a laugh. "No."

She smacked my chest, and I grinned.

"We'll need a moment." I said, effectively clearing the room.

"Com'ere." I pat the seat next to me, but instead of sitting there, he sat in my lap, curling up into my chest.

"I thought you left me."

I shook my head, lifting his chin so he could meet my eyes with his. "I would, and never will, leave you. Ever." I kissed his forehead, holding him as close as possible.

He returned the affection in kind, kissing my jaw chastely, his face burrowing into my neck. We sat like this for a while, enjoying the others presence in silence.

I studied him during this time, from how he'd brush his hair to the side depending on what shoulder he'd lean on, to how he'd press his ear every so often to my pulse point, making sure I was really there.

I noticed how he'd hold my arm against his body, securing my hold as if I was a lifeline.

I saw him curl up tighter to make his entire body fit on my lap, as if he were a cat looking for warmth.

I heard his breathing, deep, calm, yet calculated, as if he was worried his breathing would be too loud and bother me.

I witnessed how he'd intentionally have his metal arm resting on his stomach, coming in as little contact with my body as possible.

I understood why he did these things, but never understood how he'd gotten to the point of needing to do them.

And I may never understand it; and that's okay.

I held him tighter, breathed in his presence a little bit deeper, and looked at Steve, who stood in the hallway, watching.

I looked into his blue eyes, and new.

He finally supported our relationship.

He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips as he went into his room, closing the door behind him.

I focused back on James, running a hand through his hair as I kissed his forehead over and over and over again.

Even with all that I've noticed in my time knowing James, there's still so much I don't know at all.

I don't know simple things, or some complicated things.

I barely know his history, like where he grew up or anything about his childhood.

There's so much I don't know.

I took a deep breath.

I want to spend the rest of life getting to know those things.

Whether it take a month or 50 years, I would rather kill myself than not find more out about James, and figure out all the unknown reasons why I love him.

And I know it'll be tough.

"James, will you marry me?"

But I'm ready.

I'm ready to make up for lost time.




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