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Stefan's Point Of View

When we go to the compound, James refused to let me walk inside.

Which is how I ended up being carried bridal style by him, even after I had cursed at him.

"Let me walk, James Buchanan Barnes!" I hollered, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

Instead, he held onto me tighter, and didn't even care that everyone was laughing at us.

But, I saw two familiar faces, and looked at them with pleading eyes. "Please! Clint! Nat! Make him put me down!"

They snickered, but walked over, stopping James in his tracks.

"While we find this incredibly hilarious, you carrying one of the best agents Shield has to offer like a damsel in distress-- you need to put him down." Clint said, casting a 'don't do it' glance my way.

"Why?" James asked, putting on an innocent face while he filled his voice with innocent curiosity.

"Because you completely left your neck open for him to bite into your jugular vein, Barnes, that's why." Nat retorted, rolling her eyes, "He doesn't file his canines for shits and giggles."

"I do not- my canines are naturally sharp." I argued, but I didn't complain further, because James set me down.

James pouted, and I rolled my eyes at him before I looked at Steve, who was calmly putting away the left overs into the fridge.

"Where am I staying?" I asked, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"With Bucky."

"Oh no no no no. I am fine with it in my room, but I will not be staying the night with your care-bare of an assassin in a compound full of mercenaries."

"Oh, yes you are. And, it's bed time already, so . . ." He lifted me up again, and I elbowed him in the chest. hard.

"Let. me. go!" I hissed, but he just shushed me like I was a child, and walked us up the stairs.

"JAMES!" I shrieked, face-planting when he threw me on his bed.

"Yes?" He asked sweetly, climbing in next to me after he took off his shoes.

He snuggled right into my side, trapping me there.

I gave in after seeing his face, and wrapped my arms around him.

"I hate you."

He chuckled, his voice soft, as he fell asleep, mumbling, "I Love you more."


I woke up first, like always, and slipped out of bed without waking him.

It wasn't hard; he sleeps like the dead.

I took a shower, using his soap, before I used his razor and shaved my face, and then used a new toothbrush to brush my teeth.

I might not have a perfect aspect on personal space, but I know 'ew' when I see it.

I walked out of his bathroom, the towel wrapped around my waist, as I inspected his closet, looking for something to wear.

I was holding up a pair of sweatpants, when I felt it.

His eyes.

He was staring at me from the bed, not making a sound; just watching.

I grabbed a pair of underwear, and dropped the towel, slipping them and the sweatpants on, tugging my shoes on afterwards.

He only had one clean shirt left, so I left it for him, turning around and looking at him.

I wasn't stupid; I knew where he was looking. I didn't let it effect me, and leaned over the bed, kissing his forehead.

"Good morning." I whispered, and he hummed, smiling at me sleepily.

"It's early, go back to bed." I said, pulling the blanket over him as he nodded, rolling onto his side, facing me, and going back to sleep.

I silently padded down the hallway, and down the staircase, grabbing an apple from the kitchen before I headed to the door.

"Leaving?" I turned around, and saw Steve, leaning against the wall, drinking a cup of coffee.

"Yeah. I have work in an hour." I said, and he nodded.

"He's come a long way. And he actually looked happy yesterday." He said, and I knew where this was going.

"I got the message. You have my word. Bye, Steve." I said, and walked out the door.


I ended up taking a bus after I remembered I didn't drive myself to the compound, and got to work with exactly 5 minutes to spare.

I didn't have any trainees left, so I clocked in at the reception desk.

"Good morning, Moira." I said, giving her a smile.

She eyed my bare chest, and amused smile on her face. "Had a long night?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"You know me, clock never stops ticking." I said, and she chuckled, pulling out my emergency gym bag from the bottom drawer of the desk and handing it to me.

"Have a trainee-tear-filled day!" She called after me, and I turned around before I entered the gym.

"When have I not?"

She laughed, before I closed the gym door, and got to work.

I ran for 2 hours, not feeling like doing weights, and I stopped because the a few of the Trainees I failed walked inside, wearing clothes like they were here to train.

"What are you 3 doing?" I asked, looking at them with confused eyes.

"We refuse to have failed." The first one, I believe her name was Blare Anderson, said.

"Well, Anderson, you did fail." I said, taking a drink of water.

"I- we refuse. We want to try again." She pressed, and I studied their faces.

They were serious. No longer the talkative, happy, class-clown trainees I had before.

"Alright. Did you sign up for another course?" I asked, and they nodded.

"Yeah, but we want you to be our trainer." The boy-- Cole Smith-- said confidently.

"You won't have me a second time, Smith. It's a rule; it helps keep my bias in check."

The third one-- Mia King-- tilted her head to the side, confused. "What bias?"

"My bias on you three; I already don't think you're going to pass."

"We will."

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