Rehearsal Dinner

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Charlie's pov:

"Hurry up, we are going to be late" I pace in front of the bathroom yelling at Tao. "Your the groom Charlie, it can't start without you." He yells back Chuckling. Elle comes over and grabs my hand giving it a squeeze. "It's okay Charlie, Ben texted and said him and Tristan are running late too." I nod my head and follow her over to the couch. "So have you talked to him?" I hesitate. She searches my face trying to decide if she should answer. "Uh yeah, a few days ago." She looks down. I can tell she feels guilty. "So he's talking again?" I perk up, not being able to control the smile spreading across my face. "Yeah he's talking. He regrets kicking you out that day." She stutters. I can tell she's not telling me everything. "Well I'm glad he did." I cross my arms and lean back into the couch. The truth is my heart is leaping and breaking all at the time time. I glance down at my phone half expecting him to text me. To ask me to call of the wedding.  I shove it back in my pocket disappointed. "Charlie" Elle places her hand on my knee. "I'm glad Ben has changed and I'll be by your side not matter what. Are you... are you sure you want to go through with the wedding?" I uncross my arms and those damn butterflies return.

Flash back:

"Kiss me" time freezes and I search his eyes trying to figure out if I really heard correctly. His eyes are full of lust and his hands are griping my waist. Ben briefly crosses my mind but I shake my head dismissing the thoughts. I lean in and crash my lips against his. His lips are soft and taste like cotton candy. The butterflies dance around my stomach, this time they are welcomed.

Present day:

My heart aches at the memory and I look away trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes. I start to question everything. "Alright let's get to eating." Tao laughs and comes out of the bathroom. I run in past him and slam the door. "I just need a minute" I yell. The tears are rolling down my cheeks now. I splash my face with some cold water to snap me out of it. I think back to Ben and the first time we ever talked about marriage.

Flash back:

"Do you want to get married?" I play with his hair as he lays in my lap. "Charlie we are high school" he chuckles and turns to look at me. "I know but in the future." I ruffle his hair. He stays quiet for a moment and sits up. "Charlie." He takes my hand and gives it a kiss. "I would marry you in a heartbeat." He cheeks blush and he locks eyes with me. "It's just my dad." He looks down dropping my hand. "You know how he is. If he ever finds out about us... I don't want to think about what would happen." I nod my head in agreement. I'm terrified of his dad. "But I would marry you." He perks up. "You'll be my husband one day I promise." He picks up a piece of grass and ties it around my finger. "See a perfect fit."

Present day:

I look down and spin the ring on my finger. My heart calms. It was always meant to be. "Okay I'm ready." I exit the bathroom and Tao and Elle look up concerned. "Now can we go so that I'll actually make it to my own rehearsal dinner." I chuckle trying to break the tension.

We walk into the restaurant. Ben and Tristan are already there. Ben jumps up immediately and rushes over. "I was starting to worry you weren't going to come." He whispers panicked. "Why wouldn't I?" I tilt my head confused. He shakes his head and walks me over to our seats. We no more sit down before his mom comes rushing over. "The wedding coordinator would like to rehearse how tomorrow is going to go." She beams with excitement. I look at Ben but he's always standing up and nudging Tristan. I turn to look around and get nervous at all of the people here. Ben takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"Okay everyone let's get this done fast so that the grooms can fill up and get a good nights rest. "Charlie, who will be walking you down the Aisle?I look around at my family. I only recently told them of the wedding so we haven't had time to discuss specifics. Tori walks over to me. "I will be" she looks down smiling but I can see the concern behind it. I nod my head in agreement. "Okay you two over there and the rest line up in front of them. Ben and Tristan stand in front. Tristan is laughing and puts his hand on Ben's shoulder. "Are you sure there's nothing going on with those two?" Tori coughs. "Yeah just friends." I roll my eyes. I think back to when Nick and I were "just friends". I can't help but smile at how terrible we were at being "just friends". "Your not worried or jealous that Tristan's all over Ben?" I look over and Tristan is fixing Ben's tie. "Nope not at all." I look down. I truly don't feel anything. I start to feel guilty, like I should be feeling jealous that someone is being "friendly" with him but I just don't. We make our way down the aisle and Tori hands me off. His dad is sitting in the front row. He looks so pale and fragile. "Now tomorrow it will be much slower but the gist of it is that you will read your vows repeat a few words, kiss and your husband and husband. Now take each others hands and close your eyes and picture it." I close my eyes and picture Tori walking me down. Nick turns around and takes my hand from Tori. My eyes dart open and my mouth drops. I look around and no one is moving. Ben opens his eyes and looks concerned. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah just wedding jitters." I laugh it off.

After the Rehearsal Dinner:

"Are you sure you want to sleep at Tao's" Ben whines. "We can't see each other until the wedding." I chuckle. "Charlie, if your being superstitious, I think that went out the window when we had sex this morning." My cheeks blush and I look away. "Aren't your worried about wearing white tomorrow?" He throws his head back laughing. "You started it!" I whine like a little kid. "Damn right I did." He places a kiss on my lips. "I love you." A tear rolls down his check. "I love you too." He pulls me in and kisses me passionately. "Hey save that energy for the wedding." I wink. He nods his head but pulls me in once more. I close my eyes and sigh into the kiss. Nick pops into my head and the damn butterflies return. I pull back and smile trying to hide what just happened. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smile. "Yeah.. tomorrow" he looks down and whispering quietly.

Through the eyes of you - a Heartstopper fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt