The big date

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Ps. (They have been dating for roughly 3 months at this point)

Charlie's pov:

Nick hands me a coffee while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Why so early?" He pouts. "You'll see just drive" I chuckle. He's so cute when he tired. After driving for a while I reach over to hold his hand. He links his fingers with mine and smiles "how much longer baby, I gotta pee". He shifts in his seat. "No much longer love" he turns into a shopping center and gets out confused. We make our way into Starbucks grabbing another coffee and a chocolate croissant. "This way" I pull him out the door. We walk into a hockey store and he looks over at me eyes big. "ARE WE GOING ICE SKAING?" he shouts a little too loud. "Yes baby" I reach up giving him a kiss on his cheek. He runs over to the rental skates. I follow shaking my head. He's like a little kid in a candy store. "Actually, I was going to buy us a pair so we can use them back home too" I look down embarrassed. "Char" he lifts my chin pulling me in for a kiss. He pulls back and tears are sitting in his eyes. He blinks wiping them away. "Thank you so much for being my boyfriend" I wrap my arms around him "thank you for not hiding me." I plant a kiss on his nose and pull him over to try on skates.

We put the skates in the car and my stomach starts to rumble. I check the time and see 2 hours have passed. "We should probably get some lunch." Nick smiles over at me. "What sounds good?" We both look at each other. "Sushi" we say jointly. We walk over to a local sushi restaurant. "I dare you to just eat wasabi on its own" Nick laughs pointing his chopsticks at me. "No way" I shake my head. "I'd like to be able to taste my food, thank you very much" "lameee" he chuckles and take a bite of his own. "Hot hot hot" he grabs for water. We finish our food and he complains the whole time that his mouth is still on fire. "Your such a baby" I give him a little shove. "Yeah but I'm yourrrr baby." He shoves back. We walk hand in hand back to the car. My phone dings but I ignore it. I'm so happy in this moment anything else can wait.

"It's so cold in here" I shiver walking into the rink. "Did you think it'd be warm?" Nick shakes his head. "I knew it would be cold but this is reallllly cold" I whine. "It will get better once we get moving come on" he pulls me out onto the ice and I almost fall. "How many times have you been skating?" He steadies me. "Uhhh once including now?" He stares at me confused. "Char, you really took me on a date where you could get hurt?" Concern flashes his face. I waddle over so that I'm next to him. "You love skating, I thought you could teach me" I look up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Pleaseeeee" I whine even harder. His face softens and I can tell he's giving in. "Okay fine but if you fall it's not my fault" I nod my head in agreement. After a few minutes later, I'm able to keep my self steady on my own. "Are you ready to try actually skating now?" I start to move letting him know I'm ready. He grabs my hand giving it a small kiss. "You got this" he encourages me. He skates in front of me flipping around. "You can skate backwards!?!" I'm amazed. He nods his hand holding out both hands. "Hold on to me and I'll pull you" "my boyfriend is so amazing" I stare at him wide eyed letting him pull me. We skate like this for most of the session before he returns to my side. "Nick" I say nervously. "There's something I want to tell you" "Humm" he hums. I'm nervous but it just feels like the right moment. "I know it's early but I lo.." two guys skate past us knocking into Nick and he falls. "Baby Omg are you okay?" I reach my hand down and he grabs its. He pulls me down on top of him. "I'll take that as a yes" I giggle. We get up and make our way over to the benches. "What were you going to say?" He beams. "Oh nothing important" I answer back. Butterflies take over but it's not the perfect time anymore. I was planning on telling him I love him on the ice under the stars but now that moment has passed. "Did you see who ran into you?" I ask changing the subject. "No just that he had brown hair and was laughing." He shakes his head. "Probably just some jerk" I look up scanning the crowd, but I don't see anyone that looks familiar. "Let's go" Nick stands up reaching his hand out. We walk back to the car hand in hand talking about our night. "I still can't believe you bought me skates." He kisses my hand and the butterflies return. I still can't believe I have someone so great. I look up as we approach his car. There's someone standing by it but I can't quite make it out. I look over at Nick but he shrugs. As we get closer I stop dead in my tracks. "Ben" I gasp. "Charlie" he walks towards me. Nick steps in front of me "what the hell do you want." Ben raises his hands in defense. "I seen you guys earlier and I texted Charlie but he didn't answer. I just need to talk to him Nick please." I step out from behind Nick "it's okay I promise" "I'm just going to talk to him for a minute" I know from Ben's tone of voice that he's in trouble. I pull Ben to the side. "What's wrong?" I place my hand on his arm out of habit. He flinches at the contact and looks over at Nick. I give him a reassuring smile dropping my hand. "My dads in town, I told him we broke up but he doesn't believe me and said he needs to talk to us both." Fear rushes over my body. "Your dad wants to talk to me? like in person?" "Yeah, he thinks I'm lying about breaking up to protect you but he swears he's okay with us now and really needs to talk to both of us." "This can't be good" I shake my head looking back at Nick. "Okay" I nod my head slowly. "I'll see your dad with you"

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