Meeting the mom

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Charlie's POV:

I knock on Nicks door, my heart is pounding out of my chest. I look around nervously. Nick opens the door and the butterflies return to my stomach. His hair is slicked back and he has on a black suit. "Char, come on" he pulls me through the door. He wraps his arms around me "I missed you so much" he breathes into my neck. "It's only been a week" I chuckle wrapping my arms around him. "I know but it's been forever" he whines hugging me tighter.

"You must be Charlie" a women turns the corner. I jump out of Nicks arms unsure if his mom knows what I am to her son. "Hi, Ms. Nelson" I stick my hand out. She grabs it pulling me into a hug. Nicky has told me all about you." A sigh of relief escapes my lips and Nick hides his smile. "Mom let my boyfriend go, we are going to be late" he pouts. "Fine fine, let's go boys" she walks out the door. "Sorry about that" he grabs my hand wrapping it around mine. "I didn't know how much you had told her" I whisper. "I told her the night we kissed." He smiled pulling me to the car.

Flashback in Nick's Pov:

"Hey mom" I sighed into the phone. "What's wrong Nicky" "nothing nothing, just wanted to talk to you." My voice breaks. All I can picture is Charlie leaving with Ben. "Is it about Lexi? You guys broke up recently right?" He tone is soft and comforting. "It's actually about Charlie" I cough unsure how to tell her. "Oh he seems like such a great friend, did you guys fight? I'm sure you'll work it out." I take a deep breath and breathe out slowly mentally preparing myself to be disowned. "Mom I kissed Charlie tonight, well actually I told him to kiss me and he did but I wanted to kiss him" I hold my breath waiting for her to respond. "Oh?" She asking in a question tone. "He has a boyfriend and he caught us kissing. But he treats him like shit mom and I know I can treat him Better but he left with him and I'm scared he won't choose me." Tears stream down my face. "Nicky, I don't condone cheating but I'm so glad you finally admitted your feelings for him." "What?" I ask stunned checking my phone to make sure I'm really on the phone with my mom. "But how did.." she cuts me off and I can picture her waving her hand. "Baby you have talked about Charlie 24/7 for weeks now. You talked about his smile and the way his hair always falls into his eyes and the way they sparkle when the light hits him." "Oh" is all I say embarrassed. "Baby it's okay. It's okay to like Charlie" "thank you mom." "Do you think he will really choose Ben?" I ask hesitantly. "Well he kissed you didn't he?" She replies. "Yeah" I answer shyly. "From what it sounds like he likes you too, he just needs to work some things out first. He's doing the right thing Nicky." "Thanks mom for you know not making a big deal out of this." "Of course baby, I can't wait to meet him." I hang up the phone feeling slightly better. I can't lose him I think to myself. I'm going to drive there and convince him to choose me.

Present day Charlie's POV:
We pull into valet and get out of the car. Nick grabs my hand intertwining his fingers with mine . I pull back a little causing Nick to squeeze tighter. He gives me a reassuring smile and I squeeze back just as hard. I'll never get used to being affectionate in public. I've been hidden so long that something as simple as hand holding feels wrong.

We sit down at the table. Nick orders a steak and I order a pasta. "So.." his mom starts off with hesitation. "Nick honey, you didn't tell me Charlie was your boyfriend." I smile at the word and look over at Nick. His cheeks are blushed and he pulls at his tie. "Mommm" he groans "I said I didn't want to make a big deal about coming out.. I still don't know what I am." "I know honey, I just wanna know about the boy you feel for." I choke on my water and his mom lets out a Chuckle. "We met through a mutual friend." I blurt. "Mm" she hums. "He started taking me home and we just spent so much time together. I couldn't help but fall for him." I look over at Nick and tears are forming in his eyes. He clears his throat "char fell first but I feel harder." His mom claps her hands together "I'm just so glad you found someone you can be yourself with." She dabs her napkin around her eyes. "Mommmmm" Nick groans again. "Okay okay, I get it enough talking about you two." The waitress sets down the plates and Nick shoved a giant fork full in his mouth. "Hot hot hot" he breathes food still in his mouth. "Baby be careful" I laugh. He blushed at the comment. I can see his mom watching us carefully. She tells me stories of Nick as a little kid and we talk all throughout dinner.

We climb out of the car and his mom follows us to the door. "I won't go in, you two can have some privacy" "MOM" Nick whispers loudly. "It was nice meeting you Charlie. Please feel free to come home with Nick anytime. Your always welcome" she winks as she turns back getting into the car, driving away. "Wanna come in and watch a movie?" Nick asks playing with my fingers. "Mm I'd love to but I really need to study for our Philosophy final." I pout. "But we can study togetherrr" Nick pouts harder. "Baby, we tired to study together. We made out for two hours remember" I laugh. Nick gives me the cutest puppy dog eyes. I lean in giving him a kiss on the nose. "Why don't we go on a date tomorrow instead" I offer. "A date?" He beams. "Yeah, pick me up at 8am" I turn on my heals running away. "Why so earlyyy" he cries out in the distance. I walk home smiling to myself. I already have the date planned. I can't wait to show him.

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