chapter thirty-nine.

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( MAN DOWN! ) , filler episode.

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JAMIE FELT LIKE SHE WAS JUST LIT ON FIRE. The feeling as if her bones were going to turn into jello and collapse in on themselves overlapped with the feeling of needing to cover up with a blanket because she was also freezing to the point that her lips were chapped and her teeth were chattering. Her messy hair clung to her neck while she attempted to go back to sleep once more, despite her pounding headache that made her eyes squint to the sunlight that peeped through the curtains.

Derek smiled as he woke up and turned to kiss Jamie's cheek. "Good morning, Jamie Marie." He then trailed his kisses down her neck, coming to an abrupt stop once he felt how warm she was.

"Are you cold?"Jamie struggled to speak, as she attempted to cradle herself, hoping it would warm her up a bit. Newsflash, it didn't. "Is it cold in here?" She asked once more.

"No." Her boyfriend answered. He then felt her head and sighed. "But you do have a fever. You feel alright?"

"I'm sweating my ass off, Derek." She snarked in response, looking back at him with an eye roll. "But I'm also freezing my tits off so no, I'm not okay."

It took everything for the male not to laugh at Jamie's response because he knew she was being serious, but instead he simply pulled back his covers and got up to run a cool rag to try and bring her temperature down.

Coming back into the bedroom, Derek gently dabbed the cloth against Jamie's forehead while she apologized, sighing at the content feeling on her face. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I think I knew this was coming..."

"What do you mean?" He asked in response.

"I haven't been feeling like myself lately. My stomach's been off these past couple of days and I feel like shit now." She then closed her eyes as she covered her mouth and let out a nasty cough. "Ow." She cringed and swallowed hard. "That hurt."

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" He then gently felt her forehead once more and sighed. "You're feeling really warm. Do you have a thermometer?"

"In the bath." She pointed towards the conjoined room. "It should be in the third drawer below the sink."

After scouting the device out, Derek returned to bed and sat down next to her, sweeping some hair out of her face before putting it between her teeth. After a few moments of silence (and Derek admiring his girlfriend) they heard the beep and he took it into his hands once more and viewed the number, 101.6. Sighing once more, he showed his girlfriend. "You sure you don't need to head into the hospital?"

"I'm fine." Jamie then rolled onto her side and dove her face into her pillow. "Let me just try and sleep it off."

Derek didn't feel the need to argue with her so he nodded and placed a kiss upon her forehead. "Alright. I'll let the Chief know we're not coming in."

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