chapter nineteen.

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( THE NEW MAN ) , damage case.

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     AFTER JAMIE HAD GIVEN HER DOG TO DEREK AND ADDISON, SHE THOUGHT THAT IT WS THE LAST TIME SHE'D EVER SEE THE PRECIOUS THING.  But it wasn't. Doc had recently become sick, and Jamie joined the couple in vet visits where she met, Aaron. 

     Aaron was very polite and did everything he could to make sure that Doc was in the best care. Aaron was a nice guy and a pretty damn good vet- best in the area. He had dark brown hair, almost black with a rather plain beard on his chin. Jamie had to admit, he was not bad looking to the eyes.  He also didn't mind flirting with Jamie whenever he had the chance. 

     And that's when she started dating him. She deserved a guy like him after all the shit she'd previously been through- not to mention by a guy who had similar features. 

     Jamie had actually recently stayed over with him and woke up in his bed. Something she found... weird, almost. She never really stayed at Derek's trailer, so it felt unnatural to wake up in a bed that was not her own. 

     As Aaron was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for the two, Jamie got up from her chair at the counter and stood beside him with a smile. "Hi," 

     Aaron turned to her, a smile on his face as well. "Hi,"

     "So, uh, I actually don't know how to cook. Well, I don't cook not that I don't know how."

     "Nobody asked you to cook, Grey." He replied lightly. "I am a pretty amazing cook if I do say so myself. If I wasn't a vet, I'd be a chef."

     "I know," She sighed, playing with a strand of her hair anxiously. "I'm just saying that I don't cook. For in the future or something. And it also means that you don't have to cook. You can if you want to but-" Jamie was cut off when a quick kiss was planted to her lips. "What was that?" She smiled when the male pulled away. 

     "You were rambling." Aaron smirked in return. 

     "Sorry. But again, you don't have to cook. I really don't expect you to cook for me."

     "Okay, sit down." As Jamie sat down, as told, he moved towards the kettle and poured some of the boiled water into the cup. "Now, I know you might have been expecting coffee, but I personally like tea better and I think after you try this, you will too."

     Jamie laughed a bit. "Well, I just so happen to like tea over coffee so there's no doubt that I'll like it."

     "Good," Aaron nodded before placing the cup in front of her. "Now, I want you to drink this and try really hard to act like you aren't scary and damaged, alright?"

     "I'm not scary and damaged." She protested.

     "Yes, you are." He retorted. 

     Jamie laughed once more. "No! I'm not scary or damaged. You've got it all wrong, Dr. Halpert." She used his name formally. 

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