chapter thirty-six.

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( HOLY SHIT, IT'S HUGE ) , lay your hands on me.

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     THE TWO FRIENDS WERE IN THE WOODS. They were going amongst the trees and the grass early one morning, Mark walking beside Derek as he talked about the new Cardio attending. "The woman loves me." The plastic surgeon boasted, his ego increasing by the second. "Loves. Me."

"Erica Hahn?" Derek curled an eyebrow in surprise. He had heard many things about the woman- and her being in love with Mark, that was not one of them.

"I'm telling you, we went out last night, had a couple of drinks."

Again, Derek was surprised. "You and Erica?"

"Just me and Hahn..." He then let out a breath before adding, "And Callie." with a hint of embarrassment and shame.

"Oh, alright, so it wasn't a date." The neurosurgeon laughed, clapping his hands slightly together.

Mark just shook his head in protest. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" He dodged his friend's accusation.

"Why does it always have to be about the destination? Why can't it be about the journey?"

"Because I'm wearing $300 shoes that your girlfriend probably wouldn't approve of." Just as Mark said that he stepped in a puddle of mud and cringed. "Your girlfriend hates that I wear such expensive clothes."

"Speaking of," Derek cleared his throat. "She can't know about this- well, until I tell her, that is."

"Know about what? The fact that I wore such expensive shoes that are now ruined."

"No," The brunette then stopped in the middle of a grassy field that overlooked Seattle. "What do you think?"

"About what?"

"About the view?" Derek said as if it were completely obvious to his friend who was mainly concerned about his woman problems.

"Well, what am I looking at?" The other questioned in return, squinting his eyes as the sun beamed down on the both of them.

"Hopefully the view from mine and Jamie's new house."

Mark's eyes widened. "No way,"

Derek laughed. "Yes, way. She's been staying at the trailer with me for a bit, so I figured, why not build a house? Give Jamie Marie the life that she deserves. I've already got the blueprints for it-"

"-wait. What do you mean, hopefully. Derek, you didn't ask her before you bought this huge piece of land?"

"Well, no, but even if she says no, she's got time to think about it. I'll still build it." The brunette explained. "And even if she does say no, I'll sell it. Whatever she wants, it's all up to her."

"Dude," Mark scoffed with a humorous laugh. "You're whipped."

"Am not,"

"Whatever you say, Mr. I Just Bought This Huge Piece of Land for My Girlfriend."

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