chapter thirty.

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( THE FINAL BREAKING POINT ) , testing 1-2-3 + didn't we almost have it all.

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JAMIE WAS COMING BACK TO WORK FOR THE SECOND TIME. She actually believed it was going to be easier than she would admit to herself. I mean, sure, people were walking around her like there were shards of glass everywhere they went. And don't even get her started on the rumors. The rumors were like little fruit flies everywhere she went because people at the hospital loved to gossip. And Jamie tried not to let it bother her but at the end of the day, that's all it did. To her, it seemed like everyone thought she was a fragile glass that was going to break at any second.

Maybe Jamie was already broken?

Maybe that's why people were walking on glass around her because her broken self-created the uncomfortable tension wherever she went. She felt it everywhere, it crawled on her skin like bugs. Everyone she seemed to interact with or let alone be in the same room with, treated her a different way than before the drowning. Her sister, her friends, coworkers, etc. It was a never-ending cycle of feeling like an outcast- she was her own minority.

Jamie was usually so welcomed by her colleagues but however now it just seemed like they were doing it because they had to, like they were afraid of her. They had to or Jamie was going to flip out on them. It drove her mad.

And coming back to work was the day her unofficial stepmother came into the ER with a case of the hiccups and ended up dying on the operating table a few hours later was not how she wanted to start things. It was like bad luck was right on the other side of the door.

And today was officially the funeral for Susan Grey and Jamie really didn't want to go. Not if it meant seeing Thatcher after what he did to Meredith. Seeing the bruise upon her sister's cheek made Jamie Marie furious and she knew exactly the drunk man it came from. The person who dared to be called her father- but only by blood. That part was important.

Both Grey sisters were attending the funeral because despite their father, Susan had been nice to them through everything. She was the opposite of Ellis and sometimes Jamie enjoyed that. But that didn't mean she still didn't mourn her birth mother who was now six feet under.

"Mer?" Jamie knocked on her sister's bedroom door, poking her head slightly inside. "You almost ready?"

"Yeah," The younger sister nodded, readjusting her hair that sat on her shoulders. "I'll be down in a second, you go on down without me." Her voice was sweet and almost condescending as it had been most days. It was like Meredith was the one looking down on Jamie- their sibling roles reversed.

The eldest sister took that as her cue and fled down the stairs, emerging into the kitchen to where the interns were tiredly studying around the table. "Oh, good morning." She smiled lightly, walking around to the fridge searching for food most of the interns ate.

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