Invitations Are Crucial

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"And here I thought they were going to finally answer their damn phone!" Snake hissed as the call was sent to yet another voicemail. He swore, these werewolves were the most disorganized he had seen. He knew it was a bit late, but that didn't mean that they should completely ignore his call!

He thought that he was going to have an easy night of patrolling. Judging by the characteristics of the stalker, it didn't seem like he was going to pop out that night. Snake was just going to keep his eyes peeled for any clues that might have been overlooked. It was just another night in the city for him.

And then he got a call from Jim who sounded like he was throwing up his organs.

"Snake!" A police car finally popped up, showing a face that he was surprised at how happy he was to see. "What's going on?!"

"Well, at least someone came," Snake rolled his eyes. He was pissed off, and he didn't have time to calm down. He needed to act, and there was one thing keeping him from doing so. "I need you to go in and check on Jim."

"What do you mean?" Felix looked at the house that they were both in front of. It was a nice one in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. There were nice plants and green grass all around. Overall, it seemed peaceful. Like nothing was going on. Nothing at all.

"Jim called me, sounded like he was hurt, and told me he was here," Snake tried to sum up the story as quickly as possible. Jim had said 'home' which he wasn't sure whether it meant there or with his pack. Judging by the fact that his truck is there, though, along with his police car, it was safe to say he meant his house. "Now, I need you to break down the door so that we can check up on him!"

"If Jim's in trouble," Felix folded his arms. "Why didn't you just break down the door instead of waiting on me?"

Oh, he didn't have time for this! How could one merman be this dumb?!

"Because I can't!" Snake explained. "That's why I called you down here in the first place!" He'd save the name calling for when he didn't need him for a task. Right now, he wasn't going to give the fish brain anymore reasons to disagree with him.

"What do you mean, you can't?" Felix asked, gesturing towards the door of the house. "You're a vampire with superhuman strength! And now you're telling me you can't break down a door?!"

"I wasn't invited, Felix!" Snake slapped the back of his hand into the other one. "How do you not know that age-old rule?!"

"You're telling me," Felix still looked at him in disbelief. "Even in an emergency situation like this one, you're still going to abide by a stupid rule that was made up millennia ago?!"

Oh, whatever god was up there that was trying to torture him, they needed to stop. This was its own version of Hell. And his anger was rising to a boiling point.

"Okay, Felix, fine!" He threw his hands up in the air. "You want to see what happens when I try to go into a house I'm not invited into?!"

"Go on," he gestured towards the house again. The way he did it made him look like a parent attempting to teach a child.

Did he realize how many years Snake had been on this planet? This had to be the greatest insult he had received in a long, long time.

But fine. He'd show him. It wasn't like it took that long, anyway. The fish boy was just making this take longer than it should.

At the speed of light, Snake catapulted himself towards the door. He knew it was going to happen, but that didn't make the pain lessen any. A sharp electrical current went through his body before he was catapulted just as quickly backwards, away from the house.

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