A Shot in The Dark

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"Shia and Michelangelo Corkscrew," Jim passed a copy of the files to both Snake and Felix. "From the BloodHusk Coven."

"Where the hell do they come up with these names?" Snake asked, flipping through the files. "This is worse than going down south."

"Michelangelo?" Felix grimaced. "I really hope she didn't name her son after the painter."

"He's definitely a mommy's boy," Jim said. "Every single crime they caused was always together."

"Sounds like they have more corks than they have screws in the head," Snake muttered. "What about their coven?"

"Slowly becoming nonexistent," Jim told him. "There were once hundreds of them, but they didn't really have many children to pass it on down to. Now the last remaining ones seemed to take their family line very seriously."

"I hardly think kidnapping is a great way to keep the family line going," Felix said. "Haven't they heard of Tinder?"

"Ha!" Snake laughed. "This guy probably tried that and got upset when they all were the opposite of their pictures."

"Since when did these two get along?"

"That's a good question," Jim answered. Perhaps it was just a strange coincidence, because just that morning they were fighting like cats and dogs. That or they finally found common ground. Either way, it didn't settle right. As much as he wished that they would get along, he wasn't comfortable with it happening so suddenly. It was like giving two dogs a bath and then they suddenly get along.

Not that he had actually done that before.

Jim cleared his throat to get the two's attention. Thankfully, they knew to save the small talk for their free time, although Jim knew Snake would probably find something to mess with Felix about when they were on break.

"The BloodHusk Coven," he continued. "Is known and wanted for kidnapping and killing many people in throughout their creation. Women seem to be their main victims." The file had some grotesque pictures in it of women found dead on the side of the road. This was no joking matter. There was no telling just how many women they murdered, although they had a theory for the reason why they committed such horrible crimes.

"I don't get it," Felix shook his head, growing serious as he looked at the pictures. "Is this all just because they want wives or something?"

Jim turned to Snake. He didn't know the answer, but he knew that Snake might. The vampire had worked with plenty of supernatural creatures before, including witches. Jim remembered a few times he would talk about them. His nephew, Sage, was the son of a witch from what Jim knew. That was another reason why Snake was on vacation before this.

"Covens are female dominated," Snake answered. "If I had to guess, they probably used these women for rituals."

"Can you guess which ones?" Jim asked. There were thousands of rituals that these covens liked to do. Jim wasn't one to judge someone's way of life, but he had found that too many of these rituals were bad rather than good. He had to save too many people from them.

Snake took some time to look through all the photos of the previous victims. When the police officers had found the bodies, they looked vastly different from before they were kidnapped by the witches. They definitely looked burnt up, only their bones showing up in most cases. It took Jim a while to get these files from the database. And now he knew why. These two that they were searching for were a part of one of the most wanted covens around the country. They traveled quite a lot to keep under the radar it seemed.

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