Chapter one: An Island

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They were flying over Huttsgalor when Duggard called them down. "What is it, Chief?" Dak asks. "There has been a pitch-black dragon attacking Huttsgalor for three days, we tried to fight him off but he has this purple fire and he blended in with the night. He never stole food and never showed himself. Also,  he never missed!" Duggard says, cowering at the thought of him behind Cutter, who stepped away.

"Pitch-black... purple fire... never missed, showed himself, or stole food..." Leyla says, trying to recall what her dragon diary said. She remembered something.

Night Fury. Speed, Unknown. Size, unknown. The unholy offspring of Lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only hope? Hide and pray it does not find you.

"I got it! It's a-" a certain brown haired viking interrupted her.

"A Night Fury!" He says. "MAGNUS!" Duggard yells. "What? I'm just telling the truth," Magnus says. "Yep. He is. It is a Night Fury. What eye color did it have?"

"Neon blue," Duggard says. "He's a female. Alright. Everyone, let's get back to the Roost." They went back to the roost where their newest friend Kira was. She smiles at them. "Hello again, Dak and Leyla!" Kira says.

"Hello, Kira." They Hug. "The village is under attack by a female Night Fury," Leyla reveals. Kira gasps. "A Night Fury?! She may be the last of her kind..."

"Probably," Leyla says. "You wanna come with us to check out any possible nearby islands she may live at?" Leyla asks. "Sure!" Kira got on Cutter. They fly off.

Night Fury POV

I stretched when I woke up. I went on a fly out of my cave and then went to catch some fish. Eh, nothing too interesting, just a Night Fury finding food.

What are you looking at? Get out of my personal life!


The Rescue Riders go to a Cave.

"That's her." Leyla points to the Female nightfury, who was hanging on the ceiling like a bat. "Aren't females smaller...." Kira asks. "And have smaller wings...?"

"That isn't a female... that's a male Night Fury!" Leyla yells. The Night Fury woke up.

"We're dead."

Fury and the Night (Rescue Riders fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now