Chapter 37

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"Who?" I asked in confusion, peering at the car window and trying hard to see who this could be to cause such fear in these demons, including the one beside me that I sensed to be a very powerful one.

The driver was trembling as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He was shifting his gaze frantically from the demon beside me to the car windscreen.

"I will show him why my name is demon Killian, the third ranked member of the demon clan. We have to fight him with everything now. The moon is covered by clouds, and the huge trees cover the atmosphere above us. We can fight together and bring him down! That will be a huge victory for us!!" The demon man beside me, whose i just realized was Killian, said to the driver who wasn't confident enough.

"He isn't just a werewolf. He is a Lycan, and not just any Lycan! The Lycan prince...

My jaw dropped and my eyes dilated in shock at what I just heard the driver say. Cold chills ran all through my skin, goosebumps shooting up as I sprung from the car seat, where I had been instinctively without knowing when. I didn't know why I jumped.

I just couldn't tell why, but the mention of the Lycan prince being the one stopping them from taking me to the den of those ruthless demons sparked something unimaginable inside me as I gasped and gaped in shock.

Lycan prince??

He came for me? No ,this must be a lie. He hates me and believes I am a demon, so how would he be here now? Was he following me from behind?

All these thoughts ran through my mind as I darted my eyes around, annoyed that I couldn't see him since the glasses were foggy from whatever magic they performed in here.

"You know him?!" Killian snarled, and it was then that I came back to my senses, realizing how I had overreacted in front of them. Their narrow gazes at me made me know instantly that I was in trouble.

"He came for you? What are you to him?!" The driver growled, his eyes flinting in fury.

As I sat back, I couldn't give any reply as I was afraid and confused about what to say as there seemed to be a menacing aura bursting out from them. Killian was growling, and I could see gray fog forming around him, with his eyes blazing red like a furnace as they glared at me.

"It was a set up! You both planned, right? Who is he to you?!..." Killian burst out in rage and wouldn't even wait for a response from me before lashing a very painful and blinding slap to my cheek, snapping my face to the side as clotted blood spurted out from a cut that formed in my lips.

I screeched in pain, clutching my burning cheek, but he was too furious to care, and the venom in his eyes was now so scary that i couldn't look at his face. The demon's scent around him was becoming too pungent and battering for me to bear.

His claws and fangs had all shot out as he growled and grunted in pure fury.

"You are fighting the wrong person! He is approaching us. Let go out there and fight the real threat, not this weak girl here!" The driver yelled at him, and his fists, which were almost landing on my face, paused in the air.

His skin was going paler, and that face, which was normal like shifters as us, was contorting into a beastly form. He was transforming into his demonic form at the moment, and I couldn't bear the sight. It was so terrifying.

All thanks to the driver who stopped him from hurting me further.

"Let's go out there and show him the stuff we are made of!" Killian bellowed, and turned to me.

"After we are done with him, we will come back for you. For trying to set us up, just know we won't even allow you to take the option of joining us. Death is your only option, bitch!" He spat and kicked open the car door while the driver followed him.

Dracula's POV

For the first time after so many years, I was faced with pure demons in their ravaging form and potent scent all filling my nostril. I was a kid when I first saw one, and that was when they attacked the Lycans. They waged war on us unexpectedly and in a tricky way, all because we thought they sought peace.

I could clearly remember the story my mother told me about the Lycan war with the demons. Even though we were able to destroy them at the end. There were a lot of casualties on our side. They reduced our numbers drastically.

It was a war that we could easily win if it were fought fairly, but our biggest mistake was trusting them that they had become repentant and wanted to submit all their devilish powers so they'd be accepted in the community like humans, werewolves, and vampires.

We got it all wrong. We trusted the wrong people, and it cost us our lives. My grandfather still couldn't forgive himself for the mistake. He grieved and cried like a baby, blaming it all on himself because he was the one who made my father accept the demons were being sincere.

That night was a dark one. The day no one in the Lycan kingdom could ever forget, especially me, the next ruler. The hatred and rage we have for the demons is engraved in our hearts.

I watched helplessly as they slaughtered a lot of my friends. They butchered them brutally with no mercy, including the innocent babies who did them no wrong.

Those gruesome scenes can never leave my head, and I won't have peace of mind till I destroy everyone of the demons remaining. I heard they stay in caves far from sight, training and gathering more armor and powers to come back and attack again.

It is annoying that they are taking so long. Even without the help of my mate, as my father said in the letter, I would be able to erase them from this world.

Once again, after so many years of waiting and looking forward to meeting them, I was finally faced with two who had snuck out in disguise.

They picked Ella up by the roadside in the heavy rain to make sure no one would pry at them. It hurts me so much that I was right about who Ella really was. From behind, I caught sight of Ella and began to follow her closely.

I had to alight from the taxi I was in so I could freely follow her trail, allowing myself to be beaten by the heavy rain. I wondered why she didn't enter any shades and was looking around frantically, not until this car stopped by for her and she entered freely and happily.

When they drove off, I smuggled a parked car in secret to chase them, but when they swerved onto an unknown road, I had to dump the car and chase them with my Lycans ability, whose speed is 10 times faster than any car.

The path was strange, so I had to speed past them and block their path so they would come out and I would know who they really were and where they were taking Ella.

It was with great disappointment and fury that I watched as these men transformed into demons, bursting out of the car in readiness to fight me while Ella stayed back in the car.

My doubt was cleared on who she really was, and I could feel the flickering pain of heartbreak spreading across my chest. Ella was working for the demons, and this is just so painful. It shatters my heart that I will have to kill her alongside these other members of her demon family.

"Get out of our way now that you're still in one piece. You might not live to regret blocking after now!" One of them with raven hair, who looked more powerful and huge, warned me.

As I stood my ground a few meters away from them, I shook my head slowly, tears forming in my eyes, as the horrifying scene of that night when the demons attacked the Lycans flashed through my head.

The shrills and piercing cries of helpless children with the bloodcurdling screams of adults being slain mercilessly rammed my head.

I was kept in my room by my parents to protect and keep me out of the attack, but I had to climbed the table and peered at the outside from my window. There I saw the gruelling evil done by the demons to my people.

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