Chapter 33

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Dracula's POV

"They told me her mother had a connection with the demons, and she was very likely to be one of them also, which I didn't believe. It was only after I found you to be my true mate that I realized they were telling me the truth. She used a fucking demonic love spell on me. I will make her pay for messing with me. Even now, she is still with my bank card, which I left for her at the resturant." I spilled, and she cringed in shock at the mention of demons.

Fear brimmed in her eyes, and as she took a few steps back, her face grimaced as she placed her hand over her mouth in shock.

"She is a demon and was allowed to stay alive? What is her pack, and for what reason should they allow such a threat to linger on?! And you?? How could you take such a risk? A Lycan sparing the life of a demon because he felt she was his mate? That sounds so stupid!" She blasted, breathing heavily as she glared at me.

Her words were true, and it sounded so funny how I ended up being really silly and weak. It is so confusing that I have no words to say other than to stand there and gawk at her.

"Do you know that the demons are very tricky and cunning? Don't you think she must have done something harmful to you that you are yet to know? Dracula! You had what your father wrote in that letter. Your mate will help you end the looming war of the demons! We are starting with that girl now!" She hollered, almost panting as she gritted her teeth and stared wildly at me.

"I will think about all this, but for now I think you should go home and prepare for your enrollment tomorrow. School is over already, and I have some research to make for my next lesson." I uttered calmly, stretching out my hand to pick her up from the chair, but she shook her head in refusal, folding her hands against her chest.

"We aren't ending this till we discuss how it would be done. If you don't have the courage because of the charm she has on you, leave the job for me. Give me approval to assassinate her for you!" She whined, and I felt anger building up inside me.

"You have to obey me! I am the only one who has the right to touch her. Nobody else! As for whether she will be killed or not, I will decide. So can we start heading home, or do you still want to stay here?" I tried so hard to talk calmly at this moment because I was getting pissed up so much by her.

She stood up and straightened her gown before taking my hand into hers as we both headed out. She was all silent and seemed to be brooding over something in her head. Her face was as hard as stone, void of any smile.

We got outside the school building, and her driver was already waiting outside the car, dressed in black and holding a dark glass. 

"Please, we should get rid of her quickly. I am scared of losing you." She purred, in a babyish voice as we got to her car, hugging me tightly. I returned the hug with all my heart, enjoying the pleasurable sensation of our skin contact. She smelled so nice, and my heart felt warmth in her arms.

Despite the fact that she had saved me from becoming a beast during the full moon, I couldn't help but fall in love with her even more. She might be the jealous type, but it can't change anything. She is my mate and the angel of my life.

"Ella might not be killed, but I will personally make life miserable for her. Since she had lost her demon's power, I won't be so cruel as to kill her, but I will make sure she regrets knowing me." I thought, but it felt so much like I was bluffing. I shut my eyes tightly as I inhaled and exhaled heavily, fighting to suppress the tension building up in my heart.

I'm not sure how powerful Ella's charm could be to make me shiver just thinking about her pretty face. It was glaringly clear to me that there was no way I could kill her. Maybe Selene will help me out, just maybe.

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