Chapter 23

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"Wow, you sounded really scary.." I couldn't hold back after hearing how Laura sounded. I understood that we all wished for Ella's death, but the way she put that threat would make everyone who heard it wonder, and I guess the alpha isn't left out either, as he squinted his eyes at Laura too.

"Yeah, I have never heard you with such a tone before. You sounded really scary." The alpha added in confusion shown on his face too.

Laura gave us no reply and stomped away, her feet hitting the ground so hard that one would think the tiles would actually crack. She was literally puffing and huffing, with visible veins running through the sides of her neck and arms. 

The Alpha followed her immediately with a concerned look. One thing he couldn't stand was seeing his mate so upset and flustered. He was surely going to do everything possible to make her feel better again.

"You must be really happy now that you are slowly winning." I scoffed at Ella, who was squatting on the floor, and she raised her gaze at me.

"Are you ready to hear the truth about Laura?" She whispered, flicking her scattered hair off her face.

"What happened to her?" I snorted, gawking at her as she gently stood up from the floor, wincing from whatever pain she was going through.

"She has no cordial or good relationship with my mother that I murdered, but she appeared to be the one greatly disturbed and desperate to get me killed. Haven't you taken your time to think about it?" She asked, and I sneered at her, wondering what rubbish she was spitting out.

"No one needs to have a good relationship with the first Luna before detesting you with all they've got. You killed the Luna of the pack. A warrior and someone loved by all. You hurt the Alpha terribly by killing his mate, and you also put him to shame. Imagine facing the murmurs and jeers of other Alphas because he bore a child who slandered the woman who bore her!" I hissed, peering at her in disgust and irritation.

My eyes were scanning her entire body as I took some minutes to think over her last statement. Laura was a woman from another pack and first met Darren, our Alpha, at my 15-year birthday, which was held in the royal packhouse.

It was love at first sight, and he confirmed she was his mate. That was how they became lovers, and eventually Laura became the Luna. It was normal for everyone to hate Ella for what she did, but it was something to be concerned about after seeing how Laura abhorred Ella as if it were her mother that she killed.

"Laura isn't who you all think she is. I assure you that she is here for a deadly mission and has demons in her. I know you have no reason to believe me, but you can convince that alpha to force her into the demon test. Perform the rituals on her, and you will see that I am telling you the truth." Ella spoke in a strong tone, as if begging me to consider what she said.

"So the reason she is bent on getting you killed is because she is a demon? Assuming she is one of them, why would it be you that she wants dead instead of the Alpha? You are a despicable, useless wolf. literally the weakest of all. You are still alive because you have royal blood and nothing else!" I scorned, waiting for her explanations.

I'm not sure why I wasn't as angry anymore and was more interested in hearing her out. It wouldn't have been this way if I hadn't felt the strange sensation after Laura's last statement. It really bugged my mind.

"She wants me dead because I am the reason the demons haven't invaded this pack. My presence is pushing them away." She said it solemnly, but I couldn't keep my laughter from bursting out.

I laughed hard at the jokes she just cracked for me. Who wouldn't laugh after hearing this pathetic werewolf tell me she was the reason why the demons aren't attacking us?

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