Chapter 10

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Dracula's POV

"I know you didn't believe me that time I told you Ella wasn't normal like others. It was my fault for not telling you she was a pure descendant of the demons. As a demon, her plan was to use the fake mate attraction that she formed with dark power to get you close to her so she could poison you. She just wanted to kill you like they did in the past." The Luna explained it all to me, and it was like my eyes opened at that moment.

I felt the real truth from her words, and it struck deep and gave a vivid reason why I had felt all those ways toward Ella. Now I see that the moon goddess isn't a fool to give me a mate from the werewolf clan. My next mate was in the Lycan kingdom, and I had succeeded in saving her life by staying away from there. Ella was just playing a real trick on me, obviously to get me killed.

Wow. This is interesting.

"You are right..I guess she was unlucky this time. Can you both do one thing for me?" I demanded, and they both looked up at me.

"We will gladly do whatever is in our power to do for you." They both responded at the same time, and I nodded.

"I don't know if she will ever return here or anywhere around this pack. Please, whenever anyone sees her or she enters this pack, alert me using this Lycan's mind link flute. Once you blow it, I will hear it wherever I am and will be here a few minutes later." I explained, pulling out the flute from my pocket and handing it to the alpha.

The flute was specially made in my kingdom for war. Every warrior had one, so they could summon me when they were about to get killed by the enemy. It was my way of keeping them all safe. I was very glad to come here with one; now Ella won't know what hits her.

"We will do just as you said, we promise." They both chorused, bowing low.

"Is Ella's mother dead?" I asked, and they both nodded.

"Her daughter has to follow suit. Demons have no place in this world. They are meant to stay under the cave, hiding forever after all the disaster they caused. You were all wrong for keeping Ella! What if she is a spy, working for others to destroy you all!" I growled, clenching my fist as I pursed my lips and stared intently at them.

"We had brought in many sorcerers who sucked up all her dark magic. We are sorry for being careless. It's just a token of respect for my first mate, the luna." The Alpha muttered soberly, and I hissed at the mention of Mate.

"Whatever. But just never dare disobey me by hiding her. Alert me once you see her! It is an order!" I snapped and walked away immediately. My heart was feeling so messed up.

I felt like a big fool, and my wolf couldn't even talk anymore. There was nothing to say other than to swallow that bitter pill of being the fool.

We really thought it was love. Like, for real? I wonder how Ella must have mocked and laughed at our stupidity behind. Even with all my powers and abilities, I still couldn't decipher real affection from fake one.

If Ella hadn't vanished, I would have ended up confessing my feelings and allowing love to blind me. This time, I'm not going to be the one to murder her under the full moon; instead, she'll do the opposite and take my life.

Wow, this would have been a great victory for the demons. Getting me killed would weaken my kingdom and might give the demons some courage to arise a second time.

I could have stayed at the royal packhouse and waited for her return myself, but the sight of royalty reminds me of my identity as the banished Lycan prince. All these had to stay out of my mind.

I came here to live a new life as a normal being with nothing to worry about. A life where I wouldn't feel like a monster or that full moon killer, and I guess I was close to getting that proper life I desired. The mate I thought I had gotten wasn't the true one, so it meant I was free. I was now free from every affliction.

One of the bodyguards followed me and my few Lycan secret guards as we all drove out in a cart to the new home they had built for me. The only reason for me to return here would be to kill that devious demon, Ella.

"I think giving them that flute to have them call us whenever they find Ella was unnecessary. We could just order them to kill her by themselves!" My wolf finally spoke out after being silent all this time.

"I want to kill her myself for playing with my emotions! She needs to face my brutal, gruesome, and torturous death. No one plays silly tricks on me and goes scot-free!" I bellowed back at him, gritting my teeth as I breathed heavily, feeling anger swell up inside me.

"Why do I think we just wanted to see her again, somehow. I know and accept that she is a demon and wasn't our mate, which was clear from what they told us, but...within us, we still craved to..."

"Please shut up! Stay silent! You have no idea how angry I am at that stinking demon. You will be stunned to see how horrible I would make her death be" I bawled at him with my inner voice, but my wolf just had that ability to feel every single atom of emotion I had, no matter how vague it was.

"You are in rage because we liked her, and finding out she was a demon who had used dark magic to play love spell tricks on us really shatters our heart." He hissed, and I glared back at him.

"You are just talking rubbish! Her dark magic is really powerful to make you this soft. It seems you got more overwhelmed and possessed by this love spell far more than me." I scoffed, and he chuckled.

"I'm just more expressive, unlike you, who keeps everything bottled up!" He smirked, and my hiss this time could be heard by the people around me. My wolf can be quite annoying at times.

"I will need to cut our interaction link if you keep bugging me. You are cuter when you keep your mouth shut!" I rasped, and he nodded, yet had a smug look on his face.

"I just hope they find her earlier so we can end her life because that would be the only way to take away these illusions of love from our heads." My wolf sighed.

"All we need is time. It will clear off. Now let's talk about what we will do next when we settle down in our new home." I changed the topic.

"We need more engrossing activities that would push our horrible past entirely out of our heads and help us forget all we've gone through." My wolf added, and I nodded with squinted eyes.

"Apart from clubbing, night partying, and fucking bitches, I think we should also become teachers. This will entirely change our lives." I suggested, and the screams of my wolf almost deafened my ears.

"Yes!!...this is just the perfect one! And I think we should send back all our secret Lycan bodyguards. It is time to blend in with the werewolves, let's see how the moon goddess will punish us with mate or full moon shit! If she likes, let her turn me into a killer beast on that day, I won't feel any guilt killing werewolves. They are just like animals slaughtered for sacrifice." My wolf grinned, feeling satisfied and excited.

The joy we felt in that moment was one we haven't had for a very long time in our lives. It was heartwarming and fulfilling, and the creaking and rough sound of the cart wheel sliding through the rocky ground was just a sign of peace to us. 

We were going further away from our terror and anxieties—to a place where we would once more feel normal. No mate or Lycan member will get killed by my curse. There was no one to fear and flee from us like we were freaking monsters.

I grinned from ear to ear as I slid the window curtain back and peered out, the cool breeze slapping my skin.

"We will surely find a better life in here, especially as a normal teacher in the best school here, covering our Lycan scent forever without having anything to worry about!" I breathed, beaming as I imagined it all in my head.

If only I had known that things don't always happen the way we plan and envision them. If only I had known what a huge mistake I was about to make and that the bliss and exhilaration I was anticipating would not last long.

If only I knew earlier, I would never have taken that decision to be a college teacher, and I also wouldn't have blended in with the werewolves but rather stayed hidden out of sight forever.

It didn't take long before everything I thought was complete happiness and well-being crumbled, and the past I thought I had escaped returned and haunted me like a bloody monster in the night.

Everything was a mere illusion. The moon goddess wasn't done with me yet.

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