Curiosity killed the cat

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Silence had never been so loud. I sat in the lone armchair absentminded, while looking out of the big window in the living room. My legs against my chest and my arms securing my legs from falling out of the chair.

I have never been able to sit normal in this chair. Dad would always comment on it. After a while he would get tired and just ignore me when ever I sat in this chair. Sometimes I would lay upside down. With my legs against the back and my back on the seat with my head hanging of.

I watched cars drive up and down our neighborhood, the only neighborhood I know. The neighborhood I grew up in, thinking i had the least complicated life. Where I lived with my brothers, mother and father. The people I looked up to, the people I thought would never do anything to hurt me.

A tear fell from my eye. I couldn't be bothered to wipe it away. Many more followed. I sniffled a little just to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of my stuffy nose.

A paper towel was placed on my lap. I didn't think anyone was in here.

After my... mom? Sister? Carina. After Carina told me her story I was numb. Didn't feel anything, didn't think anything, nor did I say anything.

Calmly I just stood up from the dining table before walking out of there. Mom was calling after me but I didn't want to listen. Luckily they took the hint and let me be by myself.

Until now.

"What are you looking at?" A calming voice asked behind me. I could feel the chair being slightly moved backwards as Phoenix leaned on it.

"Nothing." I mumbled. I liked the silence, even if I knew it would be over shortly.

Phoenix clicked his tongue when he stood up from his leaned over position. He walked over to the couch and sat down like an old man. At only twenty six he sure knew how to make a lot of noice.

The chair could spin, so the first thing he did was spin the chair one time around before placing it so it was facing him.

My head rested agains the back of the chair. I looked at him lazily. He gave me a small smirk before he once again span the chair around.

He wanted a reaction. A reaction little Nova would always give. I'm not little Nova anymore. All the spinning just made me dizzy. No belly laugh would erupt just because of a spinning chair.

When I was younger I loved it. I would sit in this chair just for its spinning purpose. I would start on my own, before someone caught on and started to spin it for me. It was usually Phoenix or Caelum who did it. I never needed any amusement parks when I had this chair.

Phoenix didn't seem to get the hint that my non laughing response was because I didn't enjoy it. He kept going. The chair span and span a few more times.

"Phoenix. I am really not in the mood. Stop it." My voice was harsh. He seemed caught of guard. His smirk lowered and he mumbled "Sorry" before settling down on the couch once again.

He looked at me, seemingly failing to read me. Even though I was facing towards him, my head was turned towards the window.

It was dark outside. When I sat down earlier it was only starting to get dark, but it seemed like a hours had gone by since then.

The occasional headlight from cars driving past would hit my face, making my features stand out in the dimmed room.

On any other day I would be avoiding to be alone in this room after sunset. It scarred me that the windows was so big. Everyone who wanted to could peak in.

Tonight I didn't care about that stupid fear. Tonight the big windows brought me reassurance. Reassurance that it was a bigger world out side. My problem wasn't as big as I thought compared to the big world and everyone else's problems.

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