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"Hunter!" Was yelled before we had reached the stairs leading down to the big living-room.

"Hunter..." My mom sighed right after the others and just before I reached the chaos. She was standing at the bottom of the stair, looking at the mess my brother had made.

I my hands went to my mouth and I had to bite my finger to not let out the biggest laugh.

"I am so sorry mom! I couldn't know it was going to explode."

"You didn't know that if you take a sharp object and poke a ballon, it will explode?" Vulcan yelled at his brother.

Let me paint you the picture. I see five grown men covered in flour, scowling at the one who seems to be the source to the problem.

Phoenix seems to be the only one that got away from the whole ordeal. He was sitting at the kitchen table eating popcorn, while sporting an amused look.

Dad and Orion on the other hand did not look amused, more sad? But it seemed like it was against each other and not Hunter as the two other, Caelum and Vulcan.

I looked behind dad to see why he and Orion looked so gloomy. I figured that when the ballon popped one of them —probably Orion since he looked more guilty— must have stumbled backwards and somehow knocked down the entire table that was standing there.

'My' table if you will. Each of us kids have had a small table around the house while growing up. It's more like a decorative gesture. If you ever did or made something that mom liked to subtly brag about you got to decorate your table with it. My table was the last of all six tables since I was the only one still living at home, and the others wanted to bring all their things with them when they moved out.

Mine was decorated with a cute picture I had taken of me and Sara, some gymnastics diplomas, but what I was most proud over was my pottery or ceramic collection.

I had always loved using my hands, either if it was to paint or sew, I loved it. But something I figured out I had a passion for quite early was pottery. Everything I had ever made was on the table that was knocked down.

From the first hand print I made when I was three, to the last thing I had spent several months on this year. All of it was now a bunch of colored ceramic shards on the floor.

The laugh I had suppressed earlier escaped me. All eyes where now on me. Mom followed my line of vision, she also registered all the broken ceramic. A sad expression taking over.

"Oh Nova." I continued to laugh while I shrugged. I think I'm too tired to handle this emotional situation. This day had been too eventful.

Once I sobered up a little I looked at the people around me. They all watched me carful, trying to figure out my next move.

I let out a sigh of breath, wiped the tears that had escaped and walked back upstairs after muttering a weak 'night'.

There wasn't any reason to talk with them about it now anyway. They where too drunk to talk and I was too emotional.


I woke up a little bit to early for my liking. I didn't fall asleep until 3am and now it was 7.30am. Which mean I hadn't slept for that long. I tried to fall back into the dreamless sleep I had woken up from, but it didn't work. I'm blame it on the pink walls. I need to do something about that horrible thing.

Last night I had remembered to take some clothes out of the room Phoenix was sleeping in, I had moved all of my toiletries to a long forgotten bathroom down in the basement. Not as creepy as it sounds, It's actually pretty cozy down there.

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