Ball of lies

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"Hey, mom. How are you." The woman sighed as she laid down on her bed. Leana could hear the fan in the background. It must be warm in Italy now.

Leana had managed to sneak away from the dinner table just in time to get to speak to the one person that had missed every family dinner for the past sixteen years.

"I am doing just fine, honey. We are throwing a welcoming party for Vulcan and Orion. It would've been even better if you were here." A tear slipped her eye. She dabbed it away with her thumb.

The woman knew how much it would mean if she came home, but she couldn't get herself to do it. She hadn't been able to go home in so many years. Maybe one day, but not so soon.

Markus came strolling in to the room were Leana stood leaned over the kitchen counter.

"Who are you talk to?" He asked as he leaned into her.

"Our daughter." She smiled at him.

"Which one?" Her smile turned into a dumbfounded expression.

"The one that's not in the same house as us."
Markus saw that he made his wife a little frustrated by the seemingly dumb question. 'Why stop there?' He thought.

"Carina?" He asked once more, knowing the answer. He smirked at her.

"Yes, Carina." She said amused.

Carina was also amused by the encounter between her parents. She missed it. She had missed being apart of the everyday life of her family ever since she decided to escape from her own reality in America.

"See, she thinks I'm funny." Markus beamed when he heard his daughter laugh over the phone.

"I'm sorry, baby, but we have to go. Our guests are expecting some dessert." Leanas mood damped quickly after saying this. She wanted to talk to her daughter all night.

"All good mom. I just wanted to ask how Nova is doing." If she had to be honest that was the only reason she called. She talked to her mom two days ago, but she never asked about Nova.

"Perfect. All though she planned on moving to England after the summer, to attend some private boarding school she applied to behind our backs." Leana added.

"She what? She wants to move out of the country? Why?" Carina sat up on her bed again. They couldn't let her move away. Even if Nova didn't know that she existed, she loved her. She knew Nova was safe with her family, not alone in England.

"Honestly, I don't know. She said she wanted to experience it." Leana told her.

"She is just as adventurous as her mother." Markus smiled at Leana, placing a kiss on her head carefully.

"I hope not too much." Carina chuckled. "Goodbye. Tell everyone I said hi and give Nova the biggest hug from me. Love you." She said before ending the phone call.

Leana stood still with the phone in her hand. All she wished for was to have all of her children under one roof once again. Carina was there for the first six months of Novas life before she had to leave.

As a mother that is unbearable, but she knew that Carina needed to get away, her reasons where valid.

Markus knew how much it hurt Leana to not have everyone together. He took her into his arms, hugging her.

"Let's get out to our guests." Leana nodded.

They walked into the room. Everyone was chatting and having fun. They looked over the room to see if the two youngest of the party was present but they weren't. Neither was Vanessa and it seemed like Caelum just joined the rest of them.

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