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"She's with Ron Gusevi!" He sighed as his eyes met mine.

"Ron Gusevi!!?" I frowned. My mind was not able to comprehend what he was saying as it was messed up due to fear.

"Yes!! I've warned you so many times about him. They are dangerous...the Russians are dangerous." He exhaled, his eyes glinting in sadness.

I took a step back in fear. A shiver ran down my spine at the thoughts of what those cruel beasts could do to my daughter. I was having a panic attack. My breathing ragged as I stood, petrified.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I glanced up at Marcel.
"She's going to be fine... we'll protect her together!!" He said in a soothing way to comfort me.

I pushed him away from me.
"It's all because of you.." I snarled.
"If you wouldn't have joined mafia..if you wouldn't have killed Mother..if you would have been good.. everything would have been perfect in my life." My whole body was trembling as I hissed these words out, which has been inside me for so many years.

Marcel's demeanor changed as his eyes watered.
"I know I'm bad.... I'm a monster. I don't deserve anything in this world. I'm cruel... I was blinded with power. I am worthless.." he paused as a small broken smile curled up his lips as he continued.
"... but you are.. you deserve everything that I don't. You deserve eternal happiness in your life, and I only brought you misery, and I'm sorry.." he turned away as his back was facing me now.

Marcel composed himself and turned around to face me.
"According to my sources, you'll receive a call shortly from them. Do pick it up.."

Right within a second, my phone rang loudly as my heart thudded inside my rib.
Swallowing the lump, I pulled my phone out.

I sucked in my breath as I glanced at the caller ID,

It was Naomi.

With trembling fingers, I answered the call,
"Yes??" I tried to keep my voice calm.

"King!!" It was Daria's voice.

"Yes!! Where's Naomi..--"

"Her water broke, and we're heading towards the hospital. Hurry up and come to the hospital, and don't forget to get Nadia from school. Naomi wants Nadia, too. I can't wait to see that little girl's face when she is going to see her brother and sister. She'll be so ecstatic.." I disconnected the call, cutting Daria short.

I was drowning in fear..

Nadia is kidnapped..

Naomi is in hospital, waiting for me, and Nadia..

What should I do??

My head felt hot due to the misery. The phone in my hand fell down due to my trembling hand. My feet gave up as I collapsed on the floor. My mind was numb due to the pain.

My phone dinged, but I was too scared to move forward and pick it up.

Marcel crouched down and picked up my phone for me.
"Harold!!!" He screeched with widened eyes.
"Look!!" He passed me my phone.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked at the picture of my daughter. Her face was red from all the crying, and a hand was wrapped around her neck. She was locked in a dark room. Below the picture was a message.

Come get your daughter..
Just follow the navigation.

I stood up and tapped in the direction. It was a half an hour way. I wiped my tears and moved out.

"Even I'm coming!!" Marcel said from behind.

I spun around and glared at him,
"I want to help you, son." He pleaded as my eyes softened, and I slowly nodded.


We reached the said place. It was nothing but an empty ground, with no one around. I looked around the ground, but there was no hint of any human.

"Is it the right direction?!" Marcel asked.

I checked my phone again, and we were in the right place.

"Yes!" I replied in despair. My mind was not functioning.

I have to get this straight..

Nadia is my priority.

I can't let anything happen to her.

I glanced at my phone again in hope, and I saw a red dot moving above my phone screen. I narrwed my eyes in confusion, but soon realization dawned on me as my eyes widened, I glanced up, but Marcel pushed me away as I fell on the ground and a loud gunshot was heard

I sucked in my breath as I saw Marcel collapsing on the ground with blood pooling down his chest and mouth. His blood was splattered every way. I glanced up again, but I couldn't see anyone up.

I crawled towards Marcel and lifted his head up before placing it on my lap. I tapped his cheeks.
"Marcel!! Marcel!!" A tight pain shot through my chest as I glanced at his bloodied body.

He partially opened his eyes in pain,
"Save... Nadia.." he whispered in his last breath.

His eyes closed automatically as his breathing ragged.

"Marcel!!" I whispered, but he was not responding.

With trembling fingers, I cupped his wrist to check his heartbeat. But there were no beats, I checked his breathing and any sign of movement, but there was nothing.

I exhaled as a lone tear rolled down my cheeks. My hands and clothes were covered with my father's blood. He was bad...worst, but he was my father. Nothing can change that. The pain was excruciating, and now that I even lost my dad, it was aching my heart. 

My phone rang, pulling me out of my trance. It was an unknown number.

I picked it up before placing it on my ear,
"We don't need unwanted people coming into our place..." A cheeky voice was heard.
"Well, I'm sending you another location. Just come over there and come ALONE!! " the voice said, and the call was disconnected.

I glanced down at my father's cold body with numb. He was changing in order to become a better person, but before he could gain it, destiny gave him death.

I wiped my tears and took my phone before dialing Dylan.

On the second ring, he picked it.
"We are on our way to the location you've sent.." I cut him short.

"Marcel's dead!!" I lamented.


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