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Should I apologize to king or not??

It was dinner time and I didn't want to go downstairs but I wanted food. King was very pissed off when his pants got ripped. Again at that thought I smiled.

What I did was wrong, I shouldn't have left that glue like that in the armchair. Maybe I should apologise.

I charged towards the door and turned the door knob before descending downstairs.

I glanced at the dining area but king wasn't here, with cautious steps I marched towards the lounge.

I stood outside the lounge and peeked inside, king was standing near the glass wall, his back facing me, he was wearing a grey long sleeved hoodie along with grey casual pants and he was talking on phone with someone.

"Did you get the girls?" He spoke in a low voice.
"Good!! How many?" He went silent as someone on the other end spoke.
"Where are the remaining two?" Came his voice again.
"Okay, make sure about it and leave those girls near the Hawaiian port, my men will take the incharge from there." He said British tone.

As I took in all of his words, slowly realisation dawned on me.
He was trafficking those innocent girls, he was doing a social crime. I mean he's mafia, he does crimes but this was brutal. Selling girls for their own gain was brutal. He earns gazillion dollars just by his company estate, then why is he doing this. I know I'm out of crime world but I do know little things about female trafficking.  They sell girls to different countries where their owner, who bought them, use them as sex slave or for pornography or forced labour. Some of the girls don't even survive that, they die at a very young age due to the drugs they inject to them.

I know, this corrupted world makes every person selfish and even I'm selfish but still a tiny tiniest part of me is selfless. I'll fight for those girls, I'll knock some senses into this mafia devil's brain and I don't care if I die in process.

Don't worry Naomi, you have his words,
'I'm man of words Miss Nolan, I will never harm you nor I would let any harm touch you.'

I was like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode anytime. I was seething with rage, none of these girls deserve such things in their life.

Because of these such men's, girls are not allowed to put their foot outside their house at night.

"Naomi??" I heard Dylan's voice as I spun around, he was approaching me.
"What are you doing?" He asked with a smile.

"Miss Nolan, what are you doing there?" I again spun around as I heard king's voice. He was facing me with a stoic face.

And BOOM, I exploded..

"What am I doing here?!!" I bursted.
"To be honest, I was eavesdropping on your conversation Mr mafia king." I let out a humorless chuckle.

Dylan's eyes widened as his face paled. I know he's scared of the consequences that this bastard can throw on me and I love him for that.

"You earn like a lot of money in SDC and yet again you do crimes just for money, you do female trafficking. What a shame, what kind of a man are you, huh?" He shot me a warning glare but I didn't stop, I continued with a deathly murderous glare.

"How can you stoop so low?" I spat as his face hardened.

"Miss Nolan--" I cut him off.

"Oh shut up Harold!!" His eyes widened for a while.
"I'm done with second name basis." I threw my arms up in air.
"I don't respect men who don't respect women, your just a shame to male population." I gave him a disgusted glance as his jaws clenched.

I placed my palm on my heavy clenching heart which was beating rapidly before saying.
"As soon as I reach New York, I'm gonna resign from SDC and I promise, I'm gonna throw my resignation letter on your face because I don't work for criminals, Harold." My tone was challenging when I called him by his name.

It's a shame to lose jobs in companies like SDC.

But no worries, I'll find another good job for me. It's not like SDC is the only company which pays well, there are other companies too.

"And Harold--" I was cut short as Dylan grasped my wrist before pulling me towards the staircase.

"Naomi!! what I--"

"What are you doing? Why are you supporting a criminal, huh. Can't you see, he's making you choose a wrong path." My tone was soft as I tried to explain him.

"Naomi but--"

"Are we not friends?"

"Yes we are but--" this time I didn't cut him off.

"DYLAN!!" Harold's voice boomed from lounge.

"So he gets to call you by your first name!!" I purposely shouted so that mafia dude could hear me.

"DYLAN GET BACK HERE!!" His voice roared again.

I was about to shout again when Dylan suddenly placed his palm on my mouth. My eyes widened.

"Shh!" He whispered.

Aww, it's such a romantic moment but sadly I wasn't in a romantic mood.

"I'll explain everything to you, once I get back here but please don't fight with king, please." He whispered pleadingly.

"I can't promise you such things" I said softly.

He sighed in defeat. "Okay, for now can you please go upstairs to your room." His face was pale and I didn't want to tense him up more, so I nodded quietly.
"Good." With that I ascended upstairs.

I reached my room and shut the door with a loud thud.

I clenched my fists on my sides.

I'm gonna teach that mafia down rated  bastard a very good lesson.

He better get ready to face my sassy side.


It's a double update guys, I won't be updating on Wednesday because I'll be busy on my field trip.

Please make me happy by leaving some comments, it encourages me to write faster.

Enjoy reading.
Lots of love ❤

See you guys on Saturday.

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