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I opened my eyes, I couldn't feel any presence behind me, I glanced straight at Harold, who was staring past me at someone in disbelief. I spun around, and the first sight I saw was Anthony's dead body lying on the cold floor with blood pooling from his head. He was shot on his head, and I felt nauseous at the bloody sight.

I heard the footsteps towards us as I glanced up, to see Marcel...Marcel Dèlacourt with a gun in his hand.

Was he the one who shot Anthony??

He clicked his tongue while glancing at the dead body.
"Were you really about to kneel down in front of this shit!" Marcel grimaced at Harold while pointing at the body.

Then he looked at me and smirked,
"Hello, Miss housemaid!!" He stood beside me and looked at Harold again.
"You were about to kneel and beg for her??" He frowned.

Harold was breathing heavily while glancing at Marcel.

"What is going on between you and him??" Marcel asked me as I stood tongue tied.

"It's none of your business, Marcel!" Harold retorted.

"None of my business!!?" Marcel raised a brow.
"Then let me make it my business." Marcel pulled me by my hair towards him and placed the barrel of the gun to my temple.
Harold's eyes widened,
"You were about to beg for her life to that random bastard and in my presence, I will never let you kneel in front of others except me." Marcel gritted.
"Kneel and beg for her life, Harold."

"You're not gonna do anything to her!!" Harold glared with a red face.

"I killed the love of my life without any mercy, then who is she? I can kill anyone except you." Marcel's voice was challenging.
"Now kneel and beg!!" He yelled.

Marcel pulled my hair with extreme force as a scream of pain escaped my lips.
"Don't .harm. her!!" Harold held his palm out.

Slowly, he kneeled on the ground in front of Marcel, and my tears were not stopping, and because of the huge lump, I couldn't even speak.
"What kind of magic have you casted on him?!" Marcel whispered to me.
"NOW BEG!!" He commanded to Harold.

Harold's eyes were fixed on the floor,
"Please let her go, Marcel.." his voice wavered.

"I expected a little respect, Harold." Marcel clicked his tongue and shook his head in dismay.

"Please let her go... Sir." Harold rasped.

"Nah... not this way!! I expected the other respect, Son!" Marcel smirked.

Harold palm fisted on his knees as he clenched his eyes shut.
"Please let her go..." he took a deep excruciating breath.

A glint of fatherhood shone in Marcel's eyes, but soon, it transformed into an evil smirk.
"Good!! Now stand up!!" He commanded.

Quietly, Harold stood up, and Marcel pushed me towards Harold as he caught me.
"You're okay??" He asked as I nodded.

"Goodbye!!" Marcel snickered and spun around before exiting.

My head started spinning as everything around me was slowly turning black.
"Naomi!!" I could hear Harold, but my mind wasn't active.

And then I blacked out.


My eyes flickered open as I saw the white ceiling, I closed my eyes before opening them again to have a clear vision.

"Harold.." I mumbled..

And in no seconds Harold was infront of me, he was disheveled, with his messy golden brown hair and weary in his eyes, he took my hand in his before giving it a gentle squeeze and passed me  a soft smile. I also saw a plaster wrapped around his palm.
"How are you feeling, now?" He asked with worry lines on his forehead.

I nodded in exhaustion.
"Where are we??" I looked around the room.

"Hospital!" Harold replied while brushing my hair back from my forehead.

"Is the baby.. okay??" He smiled and nodded.

I heaved a long sigh in satisfaction. I tried to sit straight, and Harold helped me do it..
"You should lay down. You're still weak!" Harold said.

"No, I'm fine... I got magic in my bones." A slight chuckle escaped his lips, but suddenly a glumness took over his features.
"What happened??" I whispered while cupping his cheek.

"You're not safe here. You were so close to..." he trailed off as his voice wavered.
"I almost failed in protecting you, and the fear is killing.." I silenced him by pulling him for a hug.

"It was not your fault!!" I whispered and pulled back from the hug.
"I'm please don't blame yourself for anything."

"But anything could've happened.."

"But nothing happened!" I smiled.
"I'm fine, and our baby is fine. That is what all matters."

"Now you're fine, but in the future, I do not want to bring any mishap to you and our baby because of my responsibilities and some unwanted bonds." He exhaled as it was getting hard for him to speak.

"So what do you want me to do?? Leave Hawaii!?" I asked as he glanced down in agony without any word, but his expression said it all.

Is he serious now??

"Fine!!" I sighed.
"I'm leaving for New York in two days." He looked up at me with welled up eyes.
"To invite my friends for our wedding!" He blinked in confusion.

I raised my hand to show him the ring circled around my finger.
"You're not getting away from me that easily, Mr Kingston." I glared at him.

"Even I do not want to get away from you, Miss Nolan." He pursed his lips and wiped a single tear from his eyes.

Even my eyes were filled with tears, I was an emotional mess.
"And I don't want my baby to have a life without a father."

He moved closer to me before cupping my cheeks. He pressed his forehead against mine as we both closed our eyes.
"Even I don't wanna live a life without you two." He mumbled.

"Promise me that you will never ever give me that please leave me look on your face." I grunted when he pulled back.

"I promise." He chuckled.

"And this promise is not to break!!"


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