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I reached the garden of the massive hotel and it was beautiful with the pole light on the compound of the hotel. I pulled my gown up before walking on the grass.

I've said hello numerous times while walking down the stairs of the hotel but there was no response, so I disconnected the call. And now again I'm dialling to the same unknown number.

On the second ring the person on the other side received.

"Hello?" I finally heard the voice of the person.

"Who is it? You have been calling me." I asked as I walked further more down the garden.

"Actually I'm sorry ma'am for dialling your number, I was dialling someone else but I don't know how your number popped up in my phone" the person said.

So it's a wrong number..

I sighed.

"Okay" I said in a bored tone and disconnected the call.

I turned around to make way back to the hotel but I stopped in my track as I heard something. I turned back and infront of me was a garage.

What was that sound??

My curiosity kicked in as I took a slow cautious step towards the garage from where I heard a sound. As I neared the garage, I heard a continuous muffling sound as I again stopped in my tracks.

Maybe I should stop and go back to the hotel.

But what if someone needs help.

I walked further inside the garage and it was dark. The muffling sound got louder and louder as I suddenly stopped in my tracks behind a car, my eyes widened and before I could gasp, I covered my mouth with my hands. There, in the middle of the garage was a man, kneeling down. A small torch light illuminating his face.

The man's hands were tied from behind and a cloth was wrapped around his mouth. His forehead was vigorously sweating while tears were flowing down his cheeks, he even had some bruises on his face. He was wiggling as he shook his head in no. Suddenly a dark figure pointed a gun to his forehead as his muffling voice got even louder. 

And within a second, the bullet was shot to his forehead as blood came oozing out of his forehead as he landed flat on his stomach, dead.

My breath caught in my throat as fear overwhelmed me and I took a step backward and...

My luck gave up on me..

As I got clashed with the stand which was behind me with a vase placed on it, the vase fell down making a loud sound as suddenly the torch light hit my face. I covered my face with my palm and turned around.

I did the first thing that came up in my mind.

I ran..

I ran as fast as I could with these pointed heels on. I kept running until I reached the banquet hall. I was panting, sweating.

Did those killers see my face.?.


I woke up with a sound of my alarm. I slowly flickered my eyes open and got up from my bed to check the time. It was six in the morning and today was Saturday, so I had no work.

Yesterday's event came crashing down to my memory and terror filled me.

I don't know what to do, I didn't even tell Kate and Zach about the murder. Yesterday after witnessing the murder I ran to the hotel as if my ass was on fire.

It was actually on fire..

After entering the banquet hall, I grabbed Zach and Kate's arm and told them that I want to leave, after a bit argument with Kate they agreed to leave.

They left me to my apartment and the whole night I couldn't sleep thinking about the guy who was murdered. And as the mid night passed my eyes felt heavy and I slept for four hours with a peaceful sleep.

And now I'm pulling my hair in frustration, I want to forget everything about yesterday as if it was just a bad nightmare but I'm not able to forget anything.

I don't wanna give any justice to the dead guy. I wanna live a normal life like how it was.

Call it selfishness or anything because I don't want to be a center of attention.

"Ugh!!!" I groaned

Life sucks..

I need a break from everything, from my work specially.

For that I need vacations and for vacations I need money, which I have but can't waste on vacations because I have my bills to pay.

I got up from the bed and I started pacing back and forth of my room.

What to do??.

Should I tell Kate and Zach about this. Maybe I'll feel a little okay. Maybe they'll help me out.

Finally I decided to call them, I took my phone from my nightstand and unlocked it before going to the contact list.

But before I could dial their number, my door bell rang and I jolted, almost dropping my phone.

Sheesh!! It's just a doorbell.

For a while I thought somebody again shot a bullet.

I sighed and got out of my room towards the door and peeked through the door hole.

At the other side of the door, stood two girls wearing a black Jeans and a black satin shirt and their hair was pulled up in a high pony tail, their dress was more like the detectives.

What if they are detectives??

I took a deep breath.

Everything's gonna be fine..

I brushed my hair with my fingers as my hair was a complete mess, I opened the door where two girls were standing.

One was chubby, while the other one was thin and pale. I gave them a small smile.

"How can I help you girls?"I asked both of them, still with my smiley face.

Just act normal..

Everything's gonna be fine.

You witnessed nothing..

You don't know about any murder..

Last night you were with your friends, at the party, enjoying..

Just play it cool..

"Are you Miss Naomi Nolan?" The chubby girl asked.

"Yes, I am" I replied with a sweet smile.

The chubby girl gave a nod to the thin girl before looking back at me.

"You are coming with us!" She stated firmly.


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