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Chapter 235 Flying (2)


What kind of a will is this? Instruct future generations to clone "Lin Tian'er" every generation? How deep is his obsession with Lin Tian'er?

Seeing the monument erected in the square, Yunxi knew that she complained about Lei Zhan's obsession, but the real situation is that Lei Zhan's obsession is deeper than her complaint!

He directly engraved his suicide note on the inscription, a whole monument, not his achievements in life, nor the advice and warning he left to the world, but a "confession" for Chen Yunxi!

This stele has been standing for a thousand years due to wind and rain, and the handwriting must be blurred, and it is up to his descendants to maintain it.

Why did Lei Zhan do this?

He wanted to make sure that "Lin Tian'er" after waking up, oh, to be precise, was Chen Yunxi, and he would definitely see it!

The purpose of cloning "Lin Tian'er" is to allow the descendants of the empire to discover Chen Yunxi's appearance at a glance. Set up an inscription so that Chen Yunxi can come to the empire one day and see his true words!

He must not die with injustice!

Yunxi knew that all of this was done by Lei Zhan, and in the blink of an eye, it really was Lei Zhan's character! It is said that everything rests after death, but he doesn't, and he has to explain clearly after death.

The inscription is as follows:

The doctor knows me, if I can sacrifice my life for you to survive, I am willing. Twenty years of combat career, I believe in you more than I believe in myself. I am arrogant, impulsive, willful, and have many problems. Without you, I would have died in the ravine long ago.

Concubine Sei harmed you for her own selfishness, she will not end well. However, the survival of human beings cannot fully trust the Emperor. I want to lead mankind through wormholes, build empires, throw away previous beliefs, know you don't like it, you wish the world is peaceful and everyone lives and work in peace and contentment, and I will sacrifice my life for this. You are great, brilliant, selfless, and glorious for thousands of years, but the world is so selfish and ignorant. Democracy can also kidnap morality. After a long time, the system will inevitably become bloated and bureaucracy will prevail. How do you know that the empire cannot maintain its vitality from top to bottom?

I build an empire for the people!

I am an emperor, not for power!

My empire is not for a family's surname for thousands of years! If there are capable people, they can lead thousands of people to a higher level, and they can also recommend themselves as emperors! My descendants, mediocre, cowardly and incompetent, abdicate early to make way for the virtuous! The seniors have gone through a lot of hard work, and don't enjoy it for your selfishness!

If you are here and read what I wrote, you should know that I have no two intentions. The fall of the empire is my fault; the prosperity of the empire, you will be delighted by what you see. Thousands of words, I just hope you are well.

Lei Zhan, written in the sixty-fourth year of the star calendar. (All my descendants must always protect the integrity of this inscription and the clear handwriting. It is maintained once a year. If it is not done well, reprimand it! Get rid of it! Do not remember that it belongs to my descendants!) Removal, of course, is not physical

. Get rid of, but the meaning of deprivation of inheritance rights. When the emperor has to help great-great-grandfather take care of a stone tablet, what kind of work is this!

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