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Chapter 121 Extraordinary Power

"Richard, you grew up in a nursery, you fucking forgot? You and I know each other because we came from the same family, abandoned by our parents, no! You're telling me now, homesick? You have Home? Do you know what 'home' is?"

"Whoa, I just don't know, so

I want to cry even more!" "Shut up!" Alex turned around twice, and suddenly Woke up, "I see, it must be a psychedelic drug! Damn Chef Xiangsheli, he poisoned the food! It's making you hallucinate!" Richard wiped his tears and shook his head and said,

" Impossible? Poisoning is a felony! Once caught, you will be imprisoned for life! Who would be so stupid? You didn't make any money, and you will be imprisoned for the rest of your life and lose your freedom!" "How do I know! I knew you should be

damned It's not normal! There are also this group of people, what the hell is wrong? They say the taste is mediocre, but they still eat it one bite at a time? There must be a problem!" Logging into Skynet, I found that many people did not give Xiangsheli an equal score, and they

all It was all positive reviews, and Alex felt a suffocation in his chest that was about to explode.

"I want to report, using the name of the fake 'dumpling' to make false propaganda, and I also suspected of taking ecstasy, this Xiangsheli chef, I can't stop talking to him!" The personal terminal clicked to send, and it was successful with a ding.

Reporting is graded, and counterfeiting is considered the lightest, since it has nothing to do with human life after all. And food poisoning? Or in public, where a restaurant feeds nearly a thousand people?

In less than ten minutes, Xiangsheli was surrounded by groups.

Angel immediately notified his grandfather, and all the immigrants in Xiangfeng District took action—they thought that something happened, and the disappearance of Hart and others caused the discovery of the planetary function department, and they came to settle accounts!

After negotiating for a few words, I realized that I was thinking too much, it was damned that someone complained!

"That's impossible! Police officer, someone must have made a rumor! Listen, Xiangsheli has been open for a month, and our own children are working there. They eat and dine in the restaurant every day. If there is a problem, the chef will be the first to spare." , that's us!"

A police officer in uniform, with an unbelievably perfect chin, has the most peculiar face shape that humans can imagine - an awl face. The kind that can poke people.

With red eyes in his eyes, he glanced up and down at the speaker, recorded the facial features and appearance information in an instant, and then popped up the other party's information,

"Check? The second son of the tenth star planet of the wind system planet? Betrayed the family and applied in the name of an individual A resident of Capital Star, was rejected three times, and then applied jointly with his wife and daughter. All children are healthy, energetic, and have a long-term plan, and passed. The current residence is Seventh Avenue, Xiangfeng District. Sorry, Mr. Cha Cha, what you said The testimonials cannot support your argument—chef Xiang Sheli did not release dangerous objects. Please step aside, or you will be regarded as an accomplice in releasing dangerous objects." "I, how did I become an accomplice?" "


of' throwing "Poison" is very harmful. Before there is enough evidence to prove that the whistleblower did not make a mistake, it is assumed to be true. Until all physical and personal evidence is checked and confirmed, then a specific judgment can be made." Just hearing these words, I also know that the police officer who maintains

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