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Alice also had the same question, "Why not choose Lord Suoan? The captain is really weird. I saw that she and Lord Suoan were neighbors, and I thought they had a good relationship. Maybe after getting married, they would open up the house and become one A big villa."

This... It is estimated that it will not be realized.

Most of the East Lake was submerged in the swamp!

The video was live, and I only saw that there was a lot of noise in the courtroom, and the judge was discussing something with people, but he didn't stop it.

Claudia shook her head indifferently, "I don't have any proof. If you want to sue, just sue me. I'm a pregnant woman and a supernatural being. During pregnancy, I also served me delicious food and drink in prison. You can Wait ten months later, and then test the child's genetics." The

Ruda family is also a little bold, probably thinking that Claudia has been ruined. Since it is said in public that the child she is carrying is Ruda's, it will prove not to be the case in the future. , how else could she be a human being - taking 10,000 steps back, even if it is not, the Ruda family can become yes!

After discussing with the lawyer for a while, the plaintiff immediately applied for waiver of the right to appeal in court, and the case was over.

It came to an abrupt end.

The big case that caused a lot of uproar on Skynet has just ended! The aftertaste left to the people is also varied.

"I'm the only one who's surprised. Claudia is obviously the fiancée of Lord Suoan, and she's pregnant with someone else's child, isn't it a bit strange?"

"The news upstairs is behind, Suoan and Claudia have broken off their engagement. Look. The Skynet announcement seems to have fulfilled the regulations."

"What regulations? Have a child? Oh, I'm stupid, for true love, of course I can use my own womb to get pregnant, and endure the pain of pregnancy in October. No love, artificial womb pie. It's useful. It doesn't delay anything anyway. Am I the only one who takes pity on Lord Suoan?"

"Isn't Suoan's child the same mother as the dead child of Luda? It's a bit messy! When he grows up in the future, why? Get along!"

"You think too much. How good are Master Suoan's genes? The development of the brain domain at the age of eight has attracted the attention of the leaders of the Academy of Sciences. Now, how far his mental powers have developed, not many people know. Can Ruda, who has not graduated from the military academy for nine years, compare? Claudia is also really strange, not destined to be a child of high-level abilities, but willing to raise Ruda's child!"

"She herself is already an ability user, Probably don't care?"

"Bullshit! Which psychic do you see, you don't want to have a child with psychic powers? I kind of understand why Skynet continues the 'Supernatural Plan'. It's really the fastest way to give birth to psychic! Although ordinary people are the foundation of interstellar space, it is too slow to give birth to a few ability users among ordinary people..."

The discussion on the Skynet finally distorted the proportion of ability users to the total population!

Alice also participated and opened up a new topic, "A power user is also a genetic disease, what should I do?"

"This is difficult to do. Let's see the specific situation. If the power is strong and does not affect the normal performance, it should be The status of the power user is about the same. If the gene is missing like the Curry family, the power will be anemia once you move... There is no way!"

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