Chapter 75

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I glanced out the window, noting the relatively dim lighting reflecting off the morning snow. It must've still been quite early in the morning, considering how soundly Belle was still sleeping in the crook of my arm.

I carefully leaned over her to grab my phone. The screen lit up with a single flick, revealing all the notifications I had received from my family, company, and security team.

From my family, it was mostly just a bunch of jumbled-up messages from my mother with more typos than I could count, asking about how the trip was going. I quickly typed out a few short responses telling her about how well the last few days went, including a couple of pictures from our visit to the main village on the first day and pictures of Theo going down his first ski slope from yesterday.

Closing my family's chat, I moved on to my overflowing inbox and skimmed over a couple of the emails. Deeming it to be mostly useless stuff, I opted to skip to Lukas's text messages instead. It seemed like everything was doing fine without my presence, which was probably due to the rampant rumors tearing through my New York office where my employees were warning each other not to get on my bad side after how harshly I dealt with the corrupted VPs in my European offices over winter. Let's just say I was really pissed to have been dragged away from my angels to another country for such an idiotic reason and had to release my anger on somebody.

Typing the password into one of my hidden apps, I unlocked the special chat system that I shared with my security team and found a few messages from Watson.

"Mrs. Albedo has not left the house since the night of the reception, but there has been quite a bit of commotion going on inside the house. Lights stayed on until late at night, and there were several reports of shouting. Although we have not been able to infiltrate the house, her son has still been leaving the house to report to his company every morning and appears to have a limp. Cannot confirm if it is a case of domestic violence based on the audio recordings received from the bug on her son, but we still continue monitoring and keep you updated, sir."

I sighed at the report. 

I was glad that she hadn't tried anything since she bumped into Theo at the reception, but I can't say that I was all that surprised by what may have be going on in that household.

It was very likely that that woman was an abuser, especially when considering how Theo had reacted from only running into her and how meek her husband and son seemed in comparison to her. Belle's recount and Watson's report only added to it.

My eyes flickered away from my phone when I felt a slight shift in my arms.

Belle sleepily turned around in my arms until she was facing my chest. Like a little kitten, she nuzzled up against my chest and released a soft purr when she finally found a comfortable position with half of her body draped adorably across my body.

My heart fluttered in adoration.

I quickly typed out a reply to Watson before tossing my phone aside. Turning my full attention back to my lovely wife, I pulled her even closer to me and pressed a loving kiss to the top of her head.

She hummed softly at the feeling. With her eyes still closed, she released a small yawn and noted, "You're up early, Metri..."

Overwhelming by her cuteness, I couldn't help planting another loving kiss on the corner of her eye, eliciting a soft whine from my wife.

"Metri... I can't... I'm still sore from yesterday..."

I chuckled lightly at the memory of watching her slip and slide all over the place on the ski slope yesterday like a baby deer. I lovingly nuzzled up against her cheek and promised, "I'm not trying to start anything, love. I just can't help myself from peppering you with kisses when you act so adorable."

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