Chapter 48

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"Demetri, do you want salmon for dinner tonight? They're having a sale today."


"It looks like it's still in pretty good quality, so maybe we can have it simply grilled with some pepper and lemons. What do you think?"




Belle spun around with two packages of salmon in her hand with a huff, "Demetri, stop sulking and help me pick one! I don't want Theo to be able to find any reason to avoid eating his fish again."

I begrudgingly walked up to her and randomly plucked one of the packages out of her hand, tossing it into the cart. "I still don't understand why we have to grocery shop in person. We could've ordered online for it to be delivered and stayed in bed longer."

She rolled her eyes and tugged me along by my arm. "You shouldn't rely so much on delivery. And cuddling in bed isn't the only way to spend quality time together. I like going grocery shopping with you. I get to learn about what you like and don't like to eat."

"You could've just asked me instead..."

Ignoring my grumbles, she continued, "Let's go find Theo and check out. Then we can walk around downtown to see the Christmas lights. It's always very pretty, and I want to see it with you before you leave."

I sighed and reluctantly nodded in agreement.

I had only started officially living with Belle two days ago, and I already had to go out of the country for more than a week starting tomorrow and wouldn't be back until the day before Christmas Eve. I wanted to spend more time settling down together, but I couldn't postpone my trip any further.

All my overseas shipments were a complete mess, and Lukas suspected that it might've been caused by some sort of embezzlement among the higher-ups, so I had to personally weed them out as the only one who had the power to stand above them.

Just the thought of leaving my angels for such a bothersome reason made me irritated. Whoever was responsible for creating this issue will definitely soon receive the brunt of my anger.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, I felt a light squeeze on my fingers, making me turn my attention to Belle. She was staring at a row of premium ruby-red strawberries, but it was obvious that the cogs in her were churning away at its marked-up price.

"Just get them, Belle. I know you like strawberries." I reached over her shoulder and plucked a couple of boxes of the reddest ones, tossing them into our cart despite her protests.

"But, Demetri... It is too expensive... It's forty dollars for six strawberries... I can just get the—"

I cut her off by pushing her away from the shelf, not giving her a chance to put them back. "Love, did you forget that your fiancé is a billionaire? The wealthiest man in the country? You could eat these every day for every meal, and you wouldn't even put a dent in my account."

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I... uh... It's just that... I, um..."

I chuckled and pecked her lips, unable to hold back after seeing such an adorably flustered expression. "No but's, love. It's the least I could do for leaving you alone on our first holiday season together."

She nodded quietly as she scanned across the aisles in search of a certain little boy, trying to avoid my gaze.

Within a few minutes of wandering, we eventually found Theo hiding behind one of the shelves with a grim look on his face. He kept glancing to the side at a couple that was standing in the next aisle over. I wasn't sure if he knew them for something, but he seemed to forget all about them the moment that Belle called out for him.

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