Chapter 30

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"So... how are you and Arabelle?"


"I heard she met your parents already."


"Are you actually... lovey-dovey with her?"


"It seems like something she would like, but I could never imagine you acting like that."


"Come on, just a few words. That's all I need."

I gave a highly irritated sigh and came to an abrupt stop mid-walk. For some reason, Sebastian came to my apartment this morning right as I was leaving and insisted on accompanying me to work.

Sebastian held up his hands in mock surrender when I spun around with a harsh glare. "Look, I was just curious. It's been over two weeks since I found out, and I haven't bothered you once since then. The least you could do is satisfy my curiosity a bit."


"Just a little."

"We're... good..."

He was staring at me with such big, round, questioning eyes that I was only able to bite out two words. I immediately spun around on my heel and started to make my way toward my office building again, unable to handle his intense stare any longer.

Why was it so hard for me to talk about my relationship with Arabelle? I had originally thought that it was simply because I was a private person, but now it was almost as if I wanted to selfishly keep all the adorable sides of Arabelle a secret to myself. I didn't want to share her at all, not even in the slightest.

Sebastian chased me all the way up to the top floor of my building, huffing and puffing when he finally reached the entrance of my office. "C-come on, don't be like that. I'm genuinely curious."

I ignored him as I rounded my desk. I slipped off my coat and carefully plucked off my gloves one finger at a time, tossing all my clothes to the side.

Sebastian trudged into my office and flopped down onto the seat across from my desk.

"Don't you have your own company to run?"

He shrugged and thumbed through the stack of files on my desk. "Not particularly... Besides, my secretary is very..."

His voice trailed off before he finished his sentence. I looked up from the file in my hand in question.

His jaw went completely slack as he stared straight at me with a flabbergasted expression. Then, his head suddenly started whipping back and forth between my hand and my face, pointing at me incredulously without any words coming out of his mouth.

I rolled my eyes at his melodramatic behavior and spat out, "What is it?"

He made a loud wheezing noise before finally shouting, "I thought I was supposed to be your best man. How could you get married without me?!?"

My eye twitched as his nonsensical blabbering. "Sebastian... You're walking on fucking wafer-thing ice... You better start making some sense before I throw you out."

"What do you mean I'm not making sense?!? You're the one wearing a ring."

A ring? I shifted the folder between my hands to search for what he was talking about.

Why would I have a ring if I'm not—

Surely enough, there was a heavy silver band resting on the ring finger of my left hand. My eyes widened as I took in the detailed engraving all around the band. Wasn't this the ring that never left Arabelle's...

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