Chapter 52

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"Mr. Demetrius won't make it back today?"

The sparkle in Theo's eyes died out almost immediately at the news.

I knew he was trying to hide his disappointment with a blank expression, but I could tell he wasn't as unaffected as he was trying to be. His gaze dropped down to the papers in his hand, the packet of adoption papers that he wanted to gift to Demetri for Christmas. His fingers crinkled the edges of his papers as he bit onto his lower lip, lost in thought.

It tore at my heart to see him so crestfallen. I tried to reach out to him, trying to explain to him, "It's snowing too hard in New York for him to fly in today. His crew said they wouldn't be able to take off until the storm passed and they got an okay from the landing site."

But he only wordlessly pulled away from my outstretched hand. He nodded solemnly as he pulled the thick packet to his chest. He replied softly, "It's okay... I understand... It's not safe... I can always give it to him later, even if it's not Christmas."

I watched as his little figure retreated up the stairs to his little workstation at the top of the tower, which had quickly become one of his new favorite places in the house.

I sighed as I plopped down on the sofa behind me.

Even though they weren't related, Theo's sorrowful expression reminded me so much of Demetri's expression when he had to break the news to me over video chat just moments ago. They both had the same placid expressions that could hide all their emotions if it weren't for the slightly crinkling at the corner of their eyes that held all their unspoken regret and disappointment.

Demetri had been equally disappointed, if not more, in not being able to spend Christmas with us. He had managed to finish his work a day early in hopes of flying back before Christmas eve, but now, with the storm, he might not be able to come back for the next two days, not until after the holidays were over.

His hair had been pushed away from stress, showing me how he had tried everything in his power to return on time. His eye bags were so deep that it worried me how little he had been sleeping. To add on, he kept apologizing over and over as if the weather was somehow within his control. It was almost as if he feared we might somehow disappear if he didn't return on time.

All I could do was reassure him that we would be waiting for him at home. That all we cared about was his safety, even if it meant coming back a few days later.

With much coaxing, I eventually managed to get him to calm down with a reassuring "I love you" and a couple of light air kisses before finally logging off and breaking the news to Theo.

But now that I was left alone, I couldn't help feeling a bit lonely.

With Theo locked away in his room and Demetri still an ocean's distance away, the size of this castle was slowly caving in on me. I pulled my blanket tight around my shoulders as I curled up into a corner of the sofa.

Although I didn't want to admit it, wanting to stay strong for my boys, I truly did miss Demetri this last week.

I missed the way he would always come home from work, seeking me out with a bright aura no matter where I may be, kind of like a little puppy, even though he was nowhere as tiny as a puppy. I missed how he would wrap his arm around me as if I was the last missing piece of his world and pepper me with a neverending line of kisses. How he whispers his loving words over and over again into my ear like I was the only one he would ever need in his life.

I never thought I would miss a man's touch, but when it came to Demetri, he never stopped to surprise me with things I never knew about myself.

My eyelids grew heavy as I stared out of the window next to the fireplace, watching the snow whirl in the fumes of the howling winds. Maybe it was the exhausting sense of overwhelming loneliness or the comforting warmth of the fireplace or both, but I eventually dozed off under my pile of blankets, taking no mind of the unevenness of the sofa.

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