Chapter 28 - I Should've Called the Cops

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Chapter Song: Bad Boys by Inner Circle

I feel like I would make a really good superspy.

Almost every time I watch mysteries or late-night cop shows, I'm able to solve it. I've nailed the James Bond pose and I've hummed all the greatest spy movie theme songs in my head whenever I'm trying to be quiet. Essentially, I'm already a super spy; the only thing I'm missing is flexibility. If for whatever reason, I was in a life-or-death situation and I had to do the splits or touch my toes, I would die. However, if the spy agency needed someone to formulate a plan or gather intel, I'm your girl.

Maybe my overactive imagination is clouding my judgment, but I think that this is a really good plan. If everything goes according to plan, all will be well and I can put all the psycho shit behind me.

And the cold. It is so fucking cold that I think I'm going to hibernate until summer. Or, Option B would be cuddling with Michael under a blanket and watching TV. Maybe I'll hibernate with Michael. After all, he loves me, I can see it in the look in his eyes right now. He's staring at me with such intensity that I wouldn't be surprised if he kissed me.

"Ev," Michael whispered. "I couldn't do any of this without you."

"Sure, you could. Life wouldn't be as fun, but you could," I winked.

"God, I love you so much."

"I love you too," I put my hand in his and he immediately flinched, staring at me wide-eyed.

"Your hands are freezing."

"That's my body trying to compensate for all the warmth in my heart."

Michael gave me a pointed look.

"Fine, I am cold. However, I have a jacket in the car, so I'll be fine for about an hour outside before I develop hypothermia."


"Kidding. Okay, how do we want to split up? You wrote down three locations where you think the drugs could be, so one of us can take one place and the other could take two? I think it's a good idea to check all three just in case there's more than one stash. Wow, I never thought I'd be on a hunt for drugs. I'm getting mixed emotions."

"I'm sorry you got caught up in this, we'll figure it out soon and get back to normal," he squeezed my hand. "The high school and CVS are right next to each other, so one of us can go there and the other to the Arby's."

"I want to go to the Arby's."

"You replied alarmingly quick."

"If I'm being honest, I'm hungry and I would probably kill someone for fries. Who knows, maybe if I find drugs I'll sell them for money that'll fund my fries trip."

"Just be careful. Please. I feel like the drugs might be there and I have a bad feeling."

"I will be, promise. And that bad feeling might be hunger, I'll bring you fries too," I joked, earning a chuckle from Michael, "Now, grab your keys. We have a drug dealer to bust."


Deciding on a good playlist is always tricky, but it feels especially difficult right now.

The greatest movies always seem to have the best soundtracks, which isn't a coincidence. Music sets the tone for every moment, adding an extra layer of drama, passion, or emotion. Maybe I can treat my life like a movie right now. If I was doing something illegal (which I'm not, since the drugs aren't mine), what song could I listen to?

Oh shit. I got it.


Nevermind. I'm here already. Well, that was anticlimactic.

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