Chapter 13 - Convenient Coincidences

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Chapter Song: Bad Feeling by Cobra Man

Michael has come into Clairo's every day this week and ordered the 'sugary monstrosity.'

I knew he would like it, and I'm, quite frankly, disappointed in his lack of faith in me. I find it disturbing. He always gets the most boring coffee on the planet, I'm positive there's a connection to his bad mood there. Why else would he always look like he's miserable when he has to be in public?

I can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that there is a direct correlation between people's mood and the coffee they drink. As a barista, I believe that I have a pretty reliable take on this point of view. However, I recognize that I'm not a professional and I don't know for sure. But no one can deny that Michael's mood has improved since his coffee order changed.

In summary, people who hate themselves order black coffee. While Michael was ordering black coffee, he was still a bit miserable. Now that his order has changed, he's practically a new person. He flips people off about fifty percent less when he drives now. I'd call that improvement.

Some could listen to me and say that this whole outlandish train of thought is caused by absolute boredom because I have nothing else to do with my time.

Those people would be correct.

I always, always, sleep in on Saturday mornings, but today I couldn't. I've been up since three in the morning and I've had nothing better to do than connect the metaphorical dots of the universe.

In complete honesty, I think I'm really nervous for my date with Michael. He's planned the last three dates we've gone on and they've all been amazing. The problem with that is now I'm planning one and I'm scared he won't like it.

Honestly, how do people plan a perfectly heartwarming and fun date and not have an anxiety attack over whether it's good enough or not?

I know what Michael likes and dislikes, so that helps me a lot.

The color gold, sit coms, movies, pasta, Queen, and scented candles.

Spicy food, Hawaiian pizza, apple sauce, crayons, people who walk slowly, people who drive slow, people who don't use their turn signals on their cars, people who...well, exist.

People. He dislikes people.

It's easiest to find out what to do based on what someone doesn't like and then work from there.

Doesn't like people? Somewhere private then.

Likes pasta? I can make a good bowl of spaghetti.

Movies? What pasta themed movies-

Oh my God. I got it.

I can set up a cute little picnic on the floor of my apartment, make spaghetti, and we can watch Lady and the Tramp.

It's perfect. It'll be cold, so the weather suits the occasion well. Some good comfort food and I have some great company in Michael.

With this sudden wave of inspiration, I feed Wasabi and set the plan in motion.

Before anything can be done, my apartment needs be deep cleaned and then burned down before adding new furniture. I keep my apartment very clean because it's my pride and joy, but i have neglected it just a little bit in the past few days. It doesn't smell or anything like that, but it definitely needs to be vacuumed because I knocked over a bowl of chips right before work and I didn't have time to clean it up.

I feel like I'm giving off the wrong impression of myself because I'm a very tidy person, but this isn't my best week. I blame it on me being about to start my period though. I either become hyper aware of every little thing that has the potential to bother me or I don't care about those little things until one day when I snap in one form or another. This month, that snapping is in the form of a deep clean of my apartment.

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