Chapter 14 - I Hate Clocks

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Chapter Songs (There are two because I couldn't decide): An Empty Cup (And a Broken Date) by Roy Orbison and Break my Heart Again by FINNEAS

I'd like to say that I'm not a judgy person, but Derek gave off axe murderer vibes.

How in the absolute hell did he know when my birthday is? That's so creepy. Unless he googled me, which, I guess, is still creepy. Maybe he googled me with good intentions?

I think I'll call Michael and tell him about it after he gets off of work, maybe he knows something I don't and I just want to steer on the side of caution.

What was I going to do before Mr. Creepy Guy Derek knocked on my door?

Oh right. Grocery shopping.


I think grocery stores would be even better if they sold little individual cakes for once. I don't need a whole cake or anything, and a slice feels too aggressive, I just want a cute little cake that I can eat and be depressed or happy with.

I also think grocery stores would be better if they found a way to have mangoes year round. If I wasn't broke and could eat a mango every day, I would.

I guess since I'm already pitching ideas to the grocery stores then why not have every grocery store set up like Sam's Club or Costco and give out free samples?

Want to try this brand of pesto sauce? Free sample.
Want to try this guacamole? Free sample.
Want to try this pumpkin pie? Free sample.

Everyone in the world would be happier if this was a thing.

Even right now, I need to choose between three brands of spaghetti sauce that all have the exact same ingredients in it. I just don't get it. Which one is best? Which one is worse?

I would know the answer if I could try a free sample.


I turn around, surprised to hear my name in the pasta sauce aisle of a grocery store, and see Derek standing behind me.

"Derek? Hi."

"Hi, this is a weird coincidence."

Yeah, really really really weird.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"

Buying groceries, you idiot. Or stalking me.

"I'm buying peanut butter and steak," Derek held up the jar of peanut butter he had in his hand, "It's my dog's birthday tomorrow so I'm giving her peanut butter in the morning and steak for dinner. Lean steak though, I don't want her to get sick."

"That's really sweet," I say, truthfully. "Happy early birthday to her."

"Thanks. I was walking to get the steak from the fridge at the end of the aisle when I saw you here. I thought I'd say hi."

"Thank you, then." I pause, gathering my courage. "One quick question, how do you know when my birthday is?"

Derek winced, "I'm so sorry, I realize I might have come off on the creepy side. Truthfully, I looked you up online."

I knew it.

"It's just," Derek continued, "Michael's had his heart broken in the past, and it left him wrecked. I just wanted to make sure that you were a good person. Which, I think that you are. I wanted to do for him what I know he would've done for me."

Okay, maybe I was wrong. That was such a genuine answer that now I feel bad for accusing him of having axe murderer vibes.

"I think it's really nice how you care for him that much. And no worries, I was only a little bit freaked out," I chuckled.

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