𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘

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"All I'm saying is that you can fucking wash the dish after you've put it in the fucking sink!" I yell as we walk into the fire station and away from the huge storm blowing outside.

The place that has been my home since I was young and my dad was the fire chief.

I knew then, watching my dad and how passionate he was about his job that, that's all I wanted to do.

So when I turned 18 I went to Fire Training Academy.

Which wasn't easy for many reasons but the main one being that out of all the firefighters in the country, only 4% of them are women.

It puts a target on our backs, especially when your surrounded by arrogant men who think that women can't be Firefighters because we're 'too weak'.

It's pure bullshit because while they're crying about getting a small burn and ordering people around, the women are the ones getting shit done over 50% of the time.

We're thinking of every entrance and exist. We're making sure there's a plan B incase plan A fails.

So when I was at Fire Training Academy, you can imagine how hard I had to work to prove to some prepubescent dicks that I can do exactly what they can do.

But I did it.

And I smashed it, might I add.

Then I got matched at San Francisco Station 1, I was over the moon.

This became my home when I was 6 and after Dad died, I now have to keep the family business going.

That was until I realised who else would be here.

My best friends brother who I now live with despite our mutual...

I don't know the word but whatever it is, it's not likeness.

It's not hatred because I've known him since I was six but I strongly dislike him.

I guess it boarders hate but never tell Tiana I said that.

It was her idea to live together.

She buys, renovates and rents apartments, so when she showed me one I loved I was gutted that I couldn't afford it.

Until a lightbulb went off in her head and decided it was a good idea for me to live with Matteo.

I loved the apartment that much I agreed, I figured he'd have a day time job and I'd hardly see him.

Fat fucking chance.

Turns out he was a firefighter and has been for years.

Guess where he just got transferred to hence the reason he needed an apartment close by.

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