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Another morning Bailee entered the BAU floor looking at her surroundings

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Another morning Bailee entered the BAU floor looking at her surroundings. Being extra paranoid about who was nearby. The other co-workers were staring at her questionable and confused. Mostly likely why she was behaving the way she was. It was simple really; she was hiding from someone. It was a week later since Bailee's and Donovan's second date.

From then they both had been on four more dates. The couple had gone ice skating for the third date Bailee found it amusing watching Donovan fall over more times than she did, surprising herself that she was able to skate so easily.

On the fourth date, they went to the zoo, Donovan had planned for Bailee and him to be able to feed a sloth. Causing Bailee to burst out crying as she held the baby Sloth. In the end, she decided that the sloth needed a name after ten minutes of arguing about which name was better the couple agreed on calling him Seth.

On the fifth date, Bailee and Donovan took a tour around a museum. Her excitement grew when she saw the dinosaur exhibition. Obviously, she remembered the conversation she had with Aaron about Dinosaurs, smiling smugly at Donovan who was looking at her with an unreadable expression, she calls Hotch telling him that he was wrong. Aaron was surprised by the call from his daughter but was glad at the progress the pair was making, even if it was to tell him that he was wrong.

The sixth date had happened last night, Donovan had driven them to the same Beach where they went on their first date. Again, just like last time, they sat on the same rocks looking at the waves crashing as the sun sets, watching the moon and stars appear in silence. This time though Donovan was prepared and brought a blanket for them to place on their legs.

The night finished as the couple look towards each other, Donovan was the first to make a move, his face inching closer and closer towards Bailees. Resting his forehead on her, he takes a Shaking breath in before speaking.

"Bailee, I know you like the silence, listening to the waves, and watching the stars. But I have two questions to ask you." His face showed his nervousness.

Bailee slowly nods her head hypnotized by how close he was to her to verbally respond. Donovan grabs her hands in his bring them to his lips, kissing her knuckles before looking back at her.

"My butterfly, I've known you, for nearly a month now, giving you my number at that club that night was the best decision I could have made. I understand you haven't had an easy life, I promise I will always be here for you, for your good days and the bad ones. So, Bailee, my first question is will you be my girlfriend?"

At first Bailee did panic when she heard his words, she hasn't had the best few months or best life and was a little scared to add a boyfriend into her life. All these what if's started popping up in her mind. What if he got bored? What if he is lying? What if this is another trick?. But seeing Dovovan's nervous expression she new he was being honest and he does care for her. She knew she had a lot of negatives in her life, but Donovan was a positive that always made the negatives disappear so with that thought in her mind she says.

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