29 | D A I S Y - M A E

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That name had been giving Bailee a headache since the first time Foyet had said it. Then it was Hailey at the hospital and now Hotch would whisper the name, She didn't get what the big deal was and how it linked to Foyet but also to Hotch and his ex-wife. In Times like this she would squeeze her elephant teddy into her chest for comfort. However, since the shooting she couldn't find him, he would always be on her bed waiting for her after a case and now she couldn't remember where he had gone.  It was quite ironic really; she named her teddy Mr po-po and now she works with the FBI. When she was old enough, she asked her social worker if she knew who gave her the elephant, but they told her that she always had it. Either Stacey and Levi gave it to her, and she was too young to remember, or she assumed it was from her biological parents which gave her conflicting emotions. If it was them who gave her the teddy, she was glad she had a piece of them, but the other side hated the thought of owning something her parents gave her. 

Rossi who saw her deep in thought walks over to her. "Bailee" he questions.

"Hey rooster what's up?" Bailee looks up to him.

"You tell me" Rossi states.

"I'm confused" Bailee tilts her head.

"You have been zoned out for 10 minutes, what's got you thinking so hard?" Rossi grins.

"I have this gut feeling about something, and I can't tell if it's a good or bad feeling. Then it made me think about other things" Bailee explains.

Rossi raises an eyebrow "Why don't you tell me what this feeling is about and maybe we can work it out together"

Bailee debated if she should tell him or not, "You can't tell Hotch thought" She whispers.

"Why not?"

"Because he's kind of involved" Bailee mutters.

Rossi sighs "Explain"

"When I was shot....Foyet called me a name" Bailee softly says. Rossi sits down on the chair next to her "A name?"


"You told me and the team that in the hospital do you not remember?" Rossi asks.

"Didn't have the best time at the hospital" Bailee mutters,

"What does this have to do with Hotch?"

"His ex-wife called me Daisy when I bumped into her on the way out of the hospital, then Hotch kept saying her name. It's frustrating I have no clue who this Daisy person is but Hailey and Hotch do and now Foyet and he thinks it's me."

Rossi was cursing Aaron under his breath, he knew when Bailee finds out the truth she will be hurt, He just hopes she doesn't go down the wrong path when it happens.

"Why don't I casually ask him...I know you don't want him to know.... but I could say it has to do with Foyet.Is that all right? he might tell me more about this girl" Rossi tries to get her to leave the subject for the time being. If she finds out on her own that would hurt more than being told.

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