14 | S P A R K L E S

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The two hackers were bored in their office, filing cold cases into the BAU's system

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The two hackers were bored in their office, filing cold cases into the BAU's system. If there were any evidence in the system already linking to the cold cases, it would show up when the transfer was complete. They had gotten a third of the way through the files when they got notified, they had a case and a child had been kidnapped. They knew it was to be taken very seriously, the first twenty-four hours of kidnappings were intense which got them looking into information that got interrupted when Derek called them. "Garcia? Bailee you there?"

"Ello," Bailee says sucking on the only lollipop she had for the whole day until Hotch comes back.


"Explain what you've got."

"Okay, we went ahead and went further back looking for similar cases and made the search national."

"All these are hints?" Rossi questions.

"Yeah, there's 30 of them. They go as far back as 1909. Rapid City, South Dakota. Taos, New Mexico. Gary, Indiana." Bailee explains.

"Yea, my map is lit up like a Christmas tree." Garcia's comment using red dots to highlight places Bailee mentioned.

"All of these girls were abducted and had their parents killed?" Hotch questions.

"The time between the kills was long enough and the regions of the country, so spread out that it never showed up as a serial," Spencer explains.

"What the hell is this" Rossi asks.

"I don't know, but it looks like it's been going on for generations," Morgan says.

"Alright, good work" Hotch concludes the call.

"don't you think it's kinda crazy that my door is unlocked most of the time and yet I haven't been robbed or kidnapped"

Garcia puts a hand on Bailee's shoulder "honey, I'm going to say this in the nicest way"


"If someone did kidnap you, they would return you as soon as you opened your mouth"

"And that was the nice way? "Bailee mutters. "You can be very blunt sometimes Pennie"

"Sorry, the truth hurts" Garcia smiles.

"You better watch out Pen, maybe just maybe you'll come in here one day and all your unicorns will be gone"

"Are you sure about that?" Garcia asks.

"Of course, I am, wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it" Bailee shrugs.



"How are you handling your only Lollipop?" Garcia laughs. Bailee takes the lollipop out of her mouth "Terrible, you know how long I've been sucking on this, it's so small already it's got to last me till Boss man gets back"

"So if I called him right now and said you threatened my unicorns what does that mean?" Garcia smirks.

Bailee's eyes snapped to Garcia's "I would have none for tomorrow, you dare"

"I just might"

"Garciaaaaa" Bailee whines.

"You threatened my munchkins, you can suffer the consequences" Garcia states stroking one of her unicorn figures.

"Don't tell boss man, he'll make me sit a lecture about thinking before I speak again, after halfway through I ended up zoning out and counting the wrinkles on his forehead."

"How many were there? No wait. I'm meant to be mad at you" Garcia says.

"I got to 23 and lost count, no you don't have to be mad, be Dory, and forget the conversation ever happened," Bailee says seriously thinking about how she will cope without any lollipops for a whole day.

"You know I might just call him now" Garcia goes forward in her chair reaching for the phone.

"Noooo don't " Bailee shouts grabbing the phone quicker than Garcia. When she holds the phone close to her chest it rings. Looking at the phone 'Hotch' pops up.

"Not a sound or Mr sparkles get it" Bailee threatens pointing to the Unicorn in Garcia's hand and answers the phone. "Hey.... Boss man what's up"

"What did you do?" Hotch asks hearing the other members of the team snicker.

"Me? what do you mean? I haven't done anything?" Bailee's voice squeaks.


Penelope looks to see Bailee trying her hardest to glare at her. "Yes sir?"

"What did she do?"

"Urr nothing sir she did nothing" Garcia stutters, Bailee throws her head back knowing Hotch could tell Garcia was lying.

"Garcia!" Hotch warns.

"Ok.Ok.Ok she threatened my unicorns" Garcia confesses.

"Is that all?"

"She did it twice sir" Garcia ducks her head down, not wanting to see Bailee's angry expression.

"Bailee you know what that means?" Hotch says.

"That you'll give me my lollies back for defending myself?"

"No. We will talk about this later. Now, what have you found out?"

"Fine. The working theory from 1971 was that a transient killed the family and abducted Kathy Gray, then all the leads went cold." Bailee explains.

"How do you watch your family get murdered, and then make a life with the people who did it?" Agent Todd questions.

"It's Stockholm Syndrome. You adapt or die" Rossi says.

" and now she's training her son to be a murderer." Prentiss states.

"At a certain point, once traditions are handed down generation after generation, there is no right or wrong. You simply accept the way the world works." Hotch says.

"The Romany is a closed society. The Unsub simply twisted and distorted traditions to become entirely insular." Reid explains.

"Abducting the children keeps the bloodline pure. Killing the parents ensures that people eventually stop looking for her." Morgan adds. Bailee and Garcia hear a distant knock through the phone.

"We've got a report of an RV on fire about 20 miles from here." An unfamiliar voice says.

"Dave, you Reid, and Morgan go check it out. Garcia, Bailee I need you guys to digitally alter Kathy Gray's photograph to simulate what she would look like today." Hotch Orders.

"On it. It's been sent through"


When the phone call ends Bailee turns to Garcia "Congrats you now have to put up with a hormonal, grumpy, moody, whining Bailee tomorrow I hope you're ready"

Garcia winces just thinking about how bad tomorrow could be. "I'm sorry B, Hotch can be really scary at times his face never changes, well unless he's talking to you his tense posture almost relaxes."

Bailee grins "So.......your saying I'm Hotchypoohs favorite?"

"I did not say that"

"You did"

"Nope. those words never came out of my mouth"

"Hmmm whatever....you know it's true" Bailee smiles smugly .

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