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Bailee was told by Garcia to be at the BAU for 7am and she would meet her, when she got onto the office floor there was no Garcia, she didn't know what time it was as Bailee didn't have phone

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Bailee was told by Garcia to be at the BAU for 7am and she would meet her, when she got onto the office floor there was no Garcia, she didn't know what time it was as Bailee didn't have phone.

The deal with Strauss was that her apartment rent would be covered until she had gotten her first payment. So, she would have to wait until the end of the month to buy a phone with the rest of her payslip.

Not wanting to be late she walked up to a stranger "Sorry but do you know what the time is?" She asked.

"it's 6.58am" The guy answered.


Bailee walked to the bench and sat down it was only for 2 minutes she thought. Putting a blueberry lollypop in her mouth. She observed her surroundings swinging her legs bored out of her mind. Not noticing Derek walking up to her.

Derek was very confused why Bailee was sitting on the bench, it was 7:08am which means the rest of the team would be at the briefing room by now. Remember her behaviour from yesterday Derek wanted to be cautious.

"Bailee?" Derek asks.

"shit" Bailee jumped at derricks voice and put a hand on her heart.

"Sorry for scaring you. Why aren't you with the rest of the team?" Derek sits next to her on the bench.

"It's fine I didn't see you. Garcia told me she would meet me here at 7am. Do you know the time" Bailee takes her lollypop out of her mouth to speak.

"can't you check the time on your phone" Derek frowned.

Bailee shuck her head "I don't have one"

Derricks face turned from a frown to shock "You don't own a phone"


Derek saw her sadden look and stopped asking questions and pulled his phone out from his pocket.

"it's 7:10am. Garcia must be late. Come on the rest of the team will be waiting" Derek stands up.

"Are you sure am I allowed?"

Derek looked confused "Allowed what"

"To be there. I'm supposed to help Garcia. I'm not technically on the team" She explained.

"Of course, your allowed. Don't worry you'll be fine" Derek smiles.

Bailee follows Derek to the briefing room to see the rest of the team around a circle table. Seeing them staring at her she tries to hide behind Derek.

"Bailee first day and your already late. Don't make a habit" Hotch sternly says.

Derek sees her hands shake at the comment and sharply turns to his boss. "Actually, she was here on time Garcia told her to wait for her but she's still not here yet"

The team was surprised by Derricks outburst when they see him look toward bailee and see her shaking figure they understand why he spoke up.

Aaron sighs "I apologize. If Garcia is late in the future come to my office or find someone on the team" Bailee quickly nods her head not wanting to piss her boss off anymore which they all noticed.

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