Day 7

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Alex and Widow woke up both unknowingly they have the same intention 'impress Piper in hopes she picks her' all morning both girls haven't spoken to each other unless they have to, just as breakfast finished Widow quickly got up and went straight to Piper who was outside taking a jog.

"Good morning pipes" Widow said as she started to jog next to her, unfortunately for her Piper didn't hear her as she was listening to music so Widow stop and waited for her until she was done, as she sat down Alex cane by and say next to her "let me guess you thought you can talk to her but found out she's wearing earphones?" She nodded defeatedly "welp... your gonna be here for a while" Alex patted on her back "good luck" sat up and walked off.

For the rest of the day the girls though of ways to win her over, Widow picked flowers she found in the garden, Alex made her a cake with permission from Red who was persuaded by Nicky, to top Alex's idea Widow gave red the puppy eyes to make Pipers favorite meal.

Piper been enjoying the company from both girls even if its just to give her a gift or too show off, it was lights out and as Piper was about to go to bed Alex came p to her and gives her a chocolate "ow my god thank you Alex" Alex smiled "its no problem" Alex lifted her glasses onto her head "goodnight pipes" and walked to her bunk, not long after Widow walked passed "goodnight pipe" she winked and went into her bed. Whist everyone was asleep Piper couldn't, she kept thinking who she was going to pick and suddenly it came to her 'who wouldn't pick her, she's nice, she's never harmed me in anyway, I've never left scared to be around her, she's perfect and beautiful' Piper smiled thinking to herself, all of her thoughts soon brought her to sleep

Alex and Widow woke up to Piper calling there names "mmm what is it Pipes" Alex groaned making Widow jump up "wow hold your horses lion mane" Alex chuckled making Widow look at her and throw a book at her bunk making Alex lift her arms up as to say 'what the fuck'

"Can you two stop arguing...I've come to a conclusion..." Piper breathed in

"I choose..."

Author notes:

Hello, I wanna thank TheblueyInvader and HannahSmith170for showing there support and love to the book, thank you so much

I also wanna say that sadly there wont be any updates until Tuesday, I'm currently in the process of moving house so writing a chapter will be a bit difficult, thank you for reading

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