Day 6

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"Morning friendzone Widow" Alex chuckle mentioning about yesterday "just...don't Alex just don't" Widow grounded as she slowly got out of bed her hair all over the place "here, use mine" Alex handed her a brush, widow sleepily grabbed it off her and walked to the bathrooms with toilet paper in hand.

"Morning Widow" someone shouted, widow looked up to see Piper smiling at her, seeing Piper smile was enough to wake her up "Morning pipes" she said back and continue walking with a smile on her face.

The morning was quiet in the canteen, no arguing or shouting just girls getting along "weres Morello" Widow asked Nicky "ah she's off out somewhere, god knows where" after breakfast was done everyone went to there jobs, seeing as she wasn't assigned she walked to the fat homophobic guard "Sup chubs" she said as she reached his office "I could send you to shoe for talking like that to me inmate" Widow smirked knowing hes too afraid to do that "whatever, what job do I have to do" as he looked at the papers on his desk she caught a glimps of his badge 'Healy' 'pathetic name' she said to herself.

"Ahh here we go, Widow Martinez you be doing ... Laundry, now...get out my office and close the door" he said rudely, she got up and walked out without closing the door as she got closer to the laundry room she saw Alex 'you got to be joking' "Ah it's the baby lion, guess you got assigned to Laundry" Widow stuck a figure at her and rolled her eyes and started folding clothes.

It didn't take long for her to wish she was dead as Pennsatucky was talking loudly about Jesus and how he hates the gays to her minions Angie and Leanne "ow my fucking god, kill me know or I'll do it myself" Widow said with frustration making Alex laugh and getting shouted at by Pennstatucky "DONT USE GODS NAME IN VANE" she shouted at the two girls "oh my god, you lost that many teeth that I can't understand you" Pennstatucky was about to throw a fist but got stoped by her minions but seeing Alex trying to keep a laugh in made her see red and try to get out of her minions grasp to attack Widow.

Before she could escape it was dinner and Widow stoped what she was doing, gave Alex a pat on her shoulder "good luck" and walked out, as she was getting further away she can still hear her shout "crazy bitch" walking into the canteen she didn't feel like eating and sat at the table "oh hai Morello, where did you go this morning" Morello jumped a bit not expecting anyone to sit down "Oh hello dear, I was bringing in the new Inmate's, I think one of them knew you, I mentioned how you was the new one in the group, I said they have to be cearful of your temper and one of them pitched up mentioning your name" more girls sat down saying hi to Morello "thanks for the info" Widow said and as she was about to leave the canteen she bumped into an inmate "god sake watch where your goi...hello...Wedge" behind Wedge Alex dropped her glasses "Hello fake Vause" Wedge laughed as Alex didn't know what to say until

"J... Jessica"

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