Love? Is a hard question to answer...

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Alex, Widow and Jessica found an empty storage room to talk "She was my school bully, her and a few other girls" Alex said as she stayed in the corner of the room "damm" widow was surprised as someone like Alex was bullied.

"To be honest you was poor as shit, you even said your mum had to work 4 jobs...not exactly something to be proud of... Let me guess you git caught shoplifting or robed a bank" Jessica smirked.

"How I got here has nothing to do with you" Alex calmly said trying to not get mad at her remark about her mum

"Look... I know your here to help me or whatever but mess with Alex and you have to deal with me" Widow looks at Alex "Even tho were against eachother to get the same women, we both know if you get hurt it be my fault and pips will kill me"

Alex chuckled "ditto" Jessica pitched in "Pips as in Piper, girl you dated" she looked at Widow and nodded "and by sound of it also dated ..damm would say wouldn't blame you both for being at each other throat she is cute but you also don't need to worry, she's far from my type" Alex decided to ignore her but agreed she is cute "what is your type" Widow asked "prefer masculine women or butch ones, love seeing them work out in gym" Jessica started to drool making Widow cringe "alright let's get out of here before anyone questions where we gone"

The all walk out the storage room and Alex walked off to find Nicky and Widow stayed with Jessica "what do you want me to do" Jessica asked as she smirked "I want you to try and get rid of the descusting guard with the thick mustash... Mendez he's called" Jessica nodded and walked off to find him, with the experience Widow knows about her she can easily get rid of him one way or another.

Widow was at her bunk listening to music while Alex was talking to Piper at her bunk "What do you see in Widow" Alex asked "She was nice to me, made sure I was ok, everytime she visited me at home or college she always brought a gift wherever it be flowers or chocolate it what made me fall for her" Piper smiled at the memorys "If you choose one of us, who it be" Piper was thinking the question over "That's ..that's a hard one to answer why do you even wanna know .. jealous or something Al" Piper smirked as Alex rubbed her nose to hide the blush "N-No just curious"

Piper rolled her eyes "your both sweet, kind, nice, I was treated like a queen from both if you" she smiled "but..." she paused, Alex looked at her confused "but?" "It's hard to both act the same... I need time to think about my answer"

"what answer"

Widow stood at the entrance of the bunk "Alex ask who I chose out of her and you" this peaked Widows interest "who you pick?" "I haven't picked, your both amazing even in bed" Alex and Widow smirked "but I need time to come to an answer" "well who ever you pick, I still be there for you lover and or friends" Widow said as Alex nodded in agreement.

Piper smiled as she got up, grabbed the toilet paper and gave both girls a kiss in cheek and walked to bathroom "damm...that girl can drive me crazy" Widow smiled "I agree on that" Alex said as she stood up, Jessica walked into the room and straight to Widow "found some details about him that hopfully get him fired" Widow patted her head "good girl Jessica" Alex looked confused "W...what's going on?" "Ahh were gonna get Mendez fired, he creeps me out to shit and a massive pervert" Widow shivers

"And how you do that" Alex question as both girls smirked "thats why Jess here comes to help" "I found some details about him, for starters he's bringing in drugs and uses sex to sell them, saw a girl walked out of a dark room with some of his ... yea ... around her mouth, I'm sure last I cheaked drugs aren't aloud here" "you are correct" Widow said handing her a chocolate bar, Jessica took it and walked off happy

"Your playing a dangerous game" Alex worried about her

"I'll be fine, as long as Piper isn't in danger and that fat pig Healy is under my control, I can play with fire without getting burned" she smiled and walked off

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