Chapter 64

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Alex quietly helped Justin into her room. She tells him to be quiet and watches his moves to make sure that he doesn't make any sound that would allow the possibility of her father waking up.

It had happened before and to say that it didn't end well would be the understatement of the century. Most parents would be scared to hit other people's kids, but that was not the case when it came to Alex's father.

Alex gives him a soft pat on the shoulder and then gripped the handle of his liberty high bag gently in her hand. She gives him a kind smile and takes his bag from him and places it next to her bed on the side that he would be sleeping on.

She grabs his silent body by the wrist gently and quickly checked over his body for any bruises or cuts, a worried look on her pretty face. "You know you're always welcome to come over J," She said while she leads him over to her bed and makes him lay down on the left hand side.

She always made him sleep on that side because it was facing away from the bedroom door and was the opposite side to what she usually slept on.

He allows her to guide him, an emotionless look on his tired face. She sighs as the boy doesn't say anything to her but it was obvious that he had been crying. His eyes were red and small sniffles could be heard coming from the boy.

She lays him down carefully then she pulls the blankets up over his body and crawls into the bed next to him on her side. She waits for him to say something but then rolls onto her back and they both stare up at the ceiling in silence.

It wasn't an awkward silence that was shared between them and this wasn't the first night like this. In fact it was quite a common thing for the boy to go to her house or go to bryces house whenever Montgomery was staying with the girl.

Montgomery knew about him going there but he trusted his girlfriend and Justin even though he wouldn't admit it. Nothing was said but it was obvious to both of them that the other was in a Deep amount of pain that neither of them could express through words.

They had both been bottling up these feelings inside of them and not letting anyone know that they weren't okay.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Justin finally chokes out to her. Alex let's out a short, shaky sigh. She could feel the tears that she had been holding back all day start to come up to her eyes but luckily it was dark so he wouldn't be able to see it.

But somehow he already knew, the two always knew when the other was in pain growing up, they thought that they should have been siblings so they decided that that's basically what they were

"I don't know" Alex whispers out softly and she closes her eyes gently. She feels multiple memories rushing through her at once, he head pounding in the process. The memories only caused her more pain and seemed to be trying to crush the girl completely.

It was like her own mind wanted her to give up but her heart was telling her to stay strong "but I feel like I can't breathe. Every time I close my eyes I see the flashing lights and Jeff's body. I hear the loud crashes and the sound of glass smashing. I feel my dads hand wrapped around my throat and his hands on my... my," she clenched her eyes shut as she tried to block the thoughts out of her head

Justin's body begins to shake and struggled sobs escape from his lips. Tears begin to pour down his face as his lips shivered.

Alex could feel her heart break at the sound of the boys cries "why does this have to happen to us? How can your dad do something like this to you? Why are the people that are supposed to protect us, the ones that we need to be protected from?" He cried to her

"She always chooses her boyfriends over me. Why can't she just choose me? For once in her life why can't she choose me?"

Alex pulls his body into her arms and lays his head on her chest while she runs her hands through his hair comfortingly. He sobs harshly into her with his arms tightly wrapped around her waist like a koala bear holding onto a tree for dear life. Like if he were to let go, he would fall and die or get seriously injured. And that's how he felt. He felt like the world was out to get him

"It's okay. I've got you. You're safe now" Alex mumbles quietly and tries to hold back her own tears so that she could be strong for Justin. He needed her right now and she wasn't going to be selfish and dump all of her problems on him "he can't hurt you while you're here okay"

"Why can't I stop crying? I-I can-n-n-t st-stop it im sorry" Justin cries into her chest and it was obvious that he was embarrassed but she couldn't understand why. She had cried to him many times and it wasn't the first time she had seen him cry

"It's okay. It's okay. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything okay? I've got you. Besides I cry way more than you" Alex says and then tries to add humour at the end.

She smiles when she gets a small chuckle from him, feeling a slight sense of accomplishment

"I fucked everything up" Justin mumbles out and Alex instantly knew that he was referring to Jessica

"The two of you have a special kind of love and love like that doesn't just go away alright.
Just give her some time and see where it takes you from there. Sure you fucked up, but you didn't know what to do. He is your best friend and you didn't know what to do. She is your girlfriend and you should have protected her. I'm on your side no matter what. Always," Alex mumbles out and it was true. No matter what her friends did, she would stand by them because they are the only real family that she has got and she would do anything and everything to protect her family no matter what the consequences were going to be

"No one stopped it from happening to you," she muttered out softly, "it's a traumatic experience and you were reliving it in that moment J, don't be too harsh on yourself because I know that if you could go back and redo it, I know that you would stop it," Alex whispered to him softly

"You're the only one that I can talk to about things like this" Justin mumbles out quietly and it were as if he had to think for a bit before continuing "you know... you haven't been yourself lately"

"Yeah well stuff is just really fucked up right now J. And I don't really think any of us have been acting like ourselves lately" Alex says quietly as she continues to brush her fingers through the boys brown locks to try and calm him down. She wanted to do everything that she could so that he knew that she was there for him

"I don't know I just felt like if any of us were to stay the same it would be you, you know?" Justin asks quietly but he also sounded unsure. It was as if he didn't even know what he was really saying and what he meant by it or if what he had just said could possibly upset the girl

"Is it a bad change?" Alex asks quietly and
Justin quickly shakes his head instantly, hearing the worried tone coming from the girl

"You've always been the strongest person I've ever known. I think that now you're just showing it more and you're not taking everyone's shit" Justin admits and he sounded proud, like he was glad everyone was starting to see how truely great the girl was. She was coming out of her shell and while everyone at school knew who the girl was, she was showing them who she really was.

Strong, brave, intelligent, kind and so many other amazing things "it's a great change. But I don't care. I mean you're always gonna be my little poo bear"

Alex rolled her eyes and chuckled at the old nickname that she hadn't heard the boy call her in a long time.

He hadn't called her that since they started high school, "you should go to sleep. I have my hearing tomorrow for Hannah's case"

"I haven't been sleeping lately. I'd kill for at least one good night's sleep" Justin mumbles out quietly and snuggles deeper into her chest and listened to the soft beating of her heart

"Go to sleep justy. I'm gonna look after you alright. Nothing bad is going to happen and we can sort everything out tomorrow and in the future. But for now you just need to rest"
Alex replies

"Good night Lexi. I love you" he whispers tiredly as his eyes start to close and his breathing gets heavier

"Night J. I love you too" she mumbles as she closes her eyes. The two of them felt safe enough in each others arms to fall into a deep sleep.

And that was the best night of sleep Justin has had since the night of Jessica's party when everything started going wrong.

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