Chapter 18

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After Lexi had made her way back to Montgomery, the two of them drank and danced for a while before Montgomery told her that he was going to get more booze from Bryce.

Alexandra who was now standing by herself, noticed Hannah a few meters away from her and a wide smile crept onto her face instantly as she made her way over to the curly-haired girl who looked beautiful.

"Hannah! Hannah hey!" She called out as loud as she could over the music so that Hannah would hear her. Finally, Hannah Baker picked up on the kind voice of Alexandra Black and she turned around quickly, smiling widely as she noticed Alex making her way over

"Alex, its so good to see you! You look amazing!" Hannah called to her loudly even though they were right next to each other

"Thanks, you look amazing too!" Alex told Hannah with her infamously beautiful smile that made many boys at their school weak at the knees, "did you come here with someone?"

"Yeah, I came here with Courtney," Hannah said with a smile but the smile dropped slightly as she quickly added, "and her friends."

Alexandra had lost her smile at the mention of Courtney. Courtney Crimson, a girl in her grade that many people saw as nice. But she was also one of the only people in the whole world that Alexandra Black did not like.

"Look Hannah, this is going to sound really bitch and all. And I know that I shouldn't be talking about people behind their back, but Courtney Crimson isn't someone that a sweet girl like you should be hanging around with." Alex told her, a concerned look on her face

Hannah seemed confused but Alexandra kept going, "Listen, I am only saying this because I once thought that she was my friend too and I've gone through what you are going through now. She just really isn't a nice person and she will chuck you under the bus to save her own skin in a heartbeat. Of course, I'm not going to tell you that you can't hang out with her, that's not my place and none of my business, but I'm just trying to warn you."

Hannah still looked extremely confused as she looked over at Alexandra. Sure Courtney had been ignoring her ever since the photo had been leaked, but she hadnt been mean to her and she hadnt thrown her under the bus about anything, "But she is so nice to me," Hannah said with furrowed eyebrows

"She is nice to everyone Hannah," Alex tells her with a small sigh as she shakes her head softly, "at least until you get to know her or something bad happens."

Hannah nodded her head softly, "I- I should probably get going Alex, i'm kind of thirsty. It was good seeing you." Hannah tells her quickly

Alex nods her head, catching the hint, "Okay Hannah. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or step out of place. I hope you have a good night Hannah Baker." Alexandra gives the girl one last smile before Hannah says goodbye and then walks off

Alex shook her head softly and muttered to herself, "Why do the nicest girls always hang out with the worst ones?"  She gave Hannahs retreating form one last look before walking off to find Monty who still hadn't come back yet.


Alexandra had a small frown on her face as she looked around through the crowd of people for Montgomery. She had been looking for him for the past 10 minutes and she hadn't had any luck finding him.

But when she did manage to find him, she wished that she hadnt. She felt her body freeze and her heat drop to the bottom of her chest as he eyes landed on Montgomery De La Cruz and Courtney Crimson dancing together.

Protector - Montgomery De La CruzOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant