Chapter 25

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"Well complete sentences right?" Jeff asks as he looked over at Clay with a proud grin on his face as Clay read over his work.

"Yeah totally," Clay replied, nodding his head, scanning over a few sentences again. He was happy to see that jeff was definitely improving but there were still some things that were clearly wrong

"I even used a semicolon," Jeff says proudly, throwing his arm over the back of Alexandra's chair as he let out a small yawn. He looked very happy with himself which couldnt make Lexi happier as she smiled up at him

"I saw that. Mad props" Clay says and nods his head as a small chuckle fell from his lips. He was also proud of the boy and the fact that Jeff had used a semicolon in his essay, even if he didn't use it in the right way, "I'm just saying, The paragraph structure is good... but it might need some fact-checking."

Alex, who had already read over the boy's work already knew what Clay was talking about. She playfully giggled at he best friend as she smiled widely, patting the boy in the shoulder before wrapping her arms around him and shaking him slightly, "our boy Jeffry here does seem to have a bit of  thing for drugs, doesn't he Clay?"

Jeff pouted at her, "come on Lexi, don't say that," Jeff whispered to her as he whined. His eyes looked around suspiciously to make sure that nobody was listening in on their conversation and hadn't heard what Alex had said

"Calm down great bambino, I was just mucking around," Lexi said as she laughed and unwrapped her arms from the boy, wacking him softly on the chest then placing them down on the table that they were sitting at. 

Though she did now that Jeff, along with most of the sports player at their school, did in fact do drugs and Jeff  occasionally had to let loose sometimes and did that by smoking weed and doing a bit of molly.

"Okay back on subject and being for real, whats wrong with the facts?" Jeff asked as he forced himself to look away from the beautiful girl next to him and to look over at Clay, "I googled everything." Jeff said, clearly thinking that Google was the most reliable source in the world

"Well the founding fathers did grow and use hemp... but it wasn't weed exactly," Clay tried to explain to Jeff as he smiled at the snorts of laughter that had left Alexandras mouth

"Wait, those are different?" Jeff asks, his mouth dropping open in complete shock as if he had been lied to his whole life.

"Oh come on man, I don't even use fucking drugs and I know that hemp and weed arent the same thing," Lexi told Jeff with a wide grin and a chuckle that gave Jeff butterflies.

"Yeah tiny, but that is because youre smart!" Jeff whined softly as he looked between her and Clay.

"yeah yeah, so anyways, what I'm saying is that James Madison probably wasn't a mad stoner," Clay says and once more, Lexi is unable to stop a loud snort of laughter falling from her lips, "or uh, at least not from the hemp"

Lexi had stopped laughing quickly when she saw that Jeff was slightly disappointed with what he had written so Lexi being the over protective person that she is, turned to Clay, "it's alright, it wasn't that bad Clay was it?" 

Under the girls gaze, Clay felt slightly intimidated which was odd coming from the girl but Clay brushed it off after a few moments and then quickly nodded his head, "yeah yeah no, it was a good start. I marked a few other facts that I think you should recheck and fix," Clay states with a small nod

Lexi turned to Jeff with a smile, "Hey Jeffy, maybe it would be best if we went and found some books or articles or something for you to find your research, Sometimes books can be a little bit more reliable okay?" Lexi said and gave Jeff a comforting smile before placing her hand on his shoulder, " You can read the highlighted parts in the books I used first, then I'll help you find some good books and then we can work together on your assignment."

Jeff couldn't help but smile widely at her, "okay, alright that sounds good. Thanks, Lex, you really are the best. Let's get right on it."

Jeff and Lex began reading through the books that she had used for the same assignment, blocking out the world around them before they heard Clay suddenly say something to Tony who was sitting at the table next to them

"He is really serious about the zine," Clay says as Lexi looks up just in time to watch Ryan walk out of the library.

"He is serious about the zine, his shoes and not much else," Tony replies with a small chuckle. Lexi looks over at him and gives him a kind smile which he happily responded to with an even bigger smile.

Lexi had been so caught up in helping Jeff that she hadn't even noticed that Tony was sitting at the table next to them and she had instantly felt guilty, "tony hey, I'm so sorry, I didn't even notice that you were there. It's really good to see you," she says with her infamous kind smile

Tony grinned widely back at the girl who was practically the only Jock in the whole school that he actually liked, "its good to see you too Ella, and I can see that you're busy so don't even worry about it. There is nothing to apologise for."

Clay suddenly lets out a large sigh which causes Jeff to look up from the book and Lexi to turn from Tony and look at Clay.

"What are you working on?" Jeff asks Clay, his eyebrow raising slightly as his interests were suddenly peaked

"Oh nothing, its nothing," Clay tried to play it off as he attempted to hide the sheet of paper that he was working on under his arms. But much to Clay's dismay, the two people in front of him had already spotted the sheet and had instantly known what it was.

"Dollar valentine survey," Jeff said with a sly smirk on his lips as he reaches over the table and grabs the sheet of paper from Clay's hands and begins to read over the answers

"Wait! no, no, no, no, no, no, no. NO. You really don't have too," Clay stuttered out, clearly freaking out over the situation as he reached over the table and tried to take the paper back but failed.

"Dude relax. We got you man. Dont we Lex?" Jeff says with a wide smile and grins down at the girl next to him who nodded her head with a matching grin.

"Yeah Clay, don't even worry about it 'kay?" Lexi tells the boy and leans over Jeffs shoulder so that she could also read the answers that the boy had put down

Jeff felt his breath hitch in his throat as he felt the warm breath of the girl fan the side of his face and neck. He could literally feel the body heat radiating from off of her from the close proximity of her body to his own. His heartbeat picks up and he clears his throat, trying to push his feelings back down.

"Okay, how do I spend my Saturday nights?" 

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