Chapter 6

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Marcus rolled his eyes in the backseat as they drove down the road towards Bryce's house, Alexandras music playing softly on the Bluetooth. "I don't understand how you like him Alex, the dude is a total douchbag and can't mind his own business." Marcus told her with an annoyed groan

"Shut up asshole, don't understand how you can think that I like you," Alex muttered back to Marcus as she pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes and stuck her hand out the side of the car, enjoying the feeling of the wind pushing hard against her hand.

A loud laugh fell from Zachs lips as he took one of his hands off the steering wheel and put it over near Alex, the two of them fist pumping with large smirks on their faces, neither of them liking Marcus.

"Hey man, congrats for today on making the Varsity team, I knew you could do it Z," Alex told Zach with a proud smile on her face as she reached over and pat him on the back.

Her smile dropped slowly though as her mind trailed over to Justin who had been able to make Varsity but was instead on Bryce's couch playing video games and likely smoking weed.

A loud sigh fell from Alexandras lips as she turned to look out the window, moving her hand around in the wind, "ever since the fricken tapes were let out, everything has changed between all of us and it fucking sucks. Justin hardly ever talks to me anymore, its like he is trying to hide something from me but I don't see why he is making such a big deal over it if hannah lied on the tapes." Alex said with a long sigh

Zach gave her a sympathetic look as she continued on with her rant, "I mean Bryce wouldn't have done all of that right? I mean I know that he is super fucked up and can be a major asshole but that doesn't mean he is a rapist, I've known him practically my whole life. And Sheri wouldn't have done that right? she is one of my best friends and if she had anything to do with Jeff's death she would have told me, she knows how much Jeff meant to me." Alex managed to choke out the last part as she tried to hold back her tears.

Neither of the boys in the car said anything to her, all they could do was send her small sympathetic glances as she stared out the window, not wanting them to know that she was silently crying.


Finally, they pulled into the large driveway and stepped out of the car, closing the doors behind them before walking up to the front door and knocking, surprisingly enough, Bryce was the one to open the door.

Bryce opened the door and let them inside, excepting their small thanks as they walked into the large, expensive house. "I thought you and Monty were hanging out" Alex said in confusion

"We were but his sister called and needed him to take her to the shops for some art project or some shit like that. But don't worry, your big guard dog said he should only be at the shops for like two hours." Bryce said with a smirk, chuckling at the girl as she rolled her eyes at the nickname

"he isn't my guard dog Bryce, he is my boyfriend," Alex tells him with a small scoff as she moved closer to Zach, feeling a sense of security from his close proximity. She didn't feel comfortable around Bryce, she never had, not even before the tapes had been released and she heard what he had supposedly done.

"Well i mean when its Montgomery De La Cruz that we are talking about, I'm not really sure that there is a difference," Bryce says back with a chuckle, finding the situation amusing

"Whatever Bryce, we are here for Justin, he is here isn't he?" Alex asked Bryce, cutting down to the chase really quick, her patience wearing thin

"yeh well official word is, he isn't here," Bryce told them as they began to make their way through the large house towards the back door.

"Yeah well, coach is looking for him now too," Zach replies and makes sure to slow his pace slightly so that he stuck next to Alex, the protective instinct that he had over her hadn't left over the year, "he's fucking pissed that he missed the assembly."

Bryce lets a small sigh fall from his lips as he nods his head, "he is in the pool house," Bryce replies and then points out of the large fancy door towards the pool house that was out in the back of the back yard next to the oversized pool.

"he is stoned off his ass by the way," Bryce adds, giving them a heads up as Justin was often difficult to talk too when he was as high as a kite.

"He has been here all day?" Marcus asked Bryce in surprise

"Yeah, since last night." Bryce replies with a small nodd and turned to Alex, "said he dropped by your house last night but you weren't there so he came here"

"Yeah I was with Monty last night." Alex said with a small sigh, suddenly feeling extremely guilty that she wasn't there when Justin had needed her, but Monty had also needed her the previous night, he had gotten into a big fight with his father that ended up involving Montgomery getting a baseball bat to his back.

"what did he do?" Marcus asks Bryce, not understanding why Justin was suddenly in a beyond fowl mood.

"who the fuck knows?" Zach replies as he pushed the doors open with a sigh and they left Bryce behind in the house as the three of them made their way over to the pool house.


Alexandra was the first one to walk into the pool house with Zach and Marcus following close behind her. A soft, disappointed, and worried sigh fell from Alex's lips as he eyes landed over on Justin who, just like she had guessed, was laying on the couch playing video games whilst surrounded by all kinds of junk food and a large bong on the table in front of him.

The entire room reeked of weed and Alex felt her eyes instantly begin to water as she internally gagged at the sour smell. "oh J..." she whispered softly looking around the room.

"yo man," Zach says with a sigh as he looked around the messy room momentarily and they walked further into the room, "you okay?"

"Fuck you. Am I okay?" Justin replies rudely and doesn't even bother to look at them as he continues to stare at the tv and play his video game.

"What are you my bitch now?" Justin asks sarcastically and then finally looks away from the tv and over at them, his eyes widening quickly as he realises that Alexandra was also there to see him, "Jeses fuck Lexi, what the hell are you doing here." he says and wipes some of the crumbs off his face quickly and tries to quickly tidy the area around him

Alex just stared at him with an eyebrow raised. He stopped and looked at her with his red eyes, a sad look in them, "You shouldn't see me like this, shouldn't you be off with De La Cruz or some shit?" Justin says

Alex sighs softly and takes a step towards him, wanting to hug him, but she knew if she did, he would have broken down in her arms and Justin hated when people other than her saw him cry, "I was really worried about you J..." she says softly

"Yeah well you shouldn't be alright?" He responds and stares into her eyes. His blue eyes clashed sickly with the red hue and the dark bags under his eyes. He turned away from her, not being able to bare the feeling he got when he saw the look on her face as she gazed down at him, "close the fricken door."

Alex nodded her head softly and turned around to go and close the door but she was beaten to it by Zach who gave her a small smile.

"Hey, Jessica is looking for you," Marcus speaks up since they had all now gone silent and he took that as the queue to 'address the issue at hand'. Justin didn't look over or say anything so Marcus continued, "she looks bad."

"Yeah, she has for a while." Justin says with an emotionless tone as if he could care less. Alex rolled her eyes in annoyance and disbelief at his comment

"Jesus Justin, and the boyfriend of the year award should be rocking up in your mail any day now." She muttered under her breath

"are you gonna talk to her?" Zach asked Justin, discretely trying to manipulate Justin into fixing the problem since he was likely the only one that could help Jess.

"And say what?" Justin asks with a scoff

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