49| Wild Night

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“Where are you, Kayla? I’ve been ready for an hour!”

“Don’t lie.” She huffed. “And I’m not the one to be blamed for the traffic.”

It was Friday night and Kayla and I decided to go for a girls’ night out. It’s been a week since I met Neil and Finlay in Pennsylvania. Things have gotten no better, but I think I got my closure. Finlay will never remember me. What was the use of hanging on to him?

I will always cherish the moments between him and me and they will forever have a place in my cracked heart, but I need to live the life I always dreamed of.

So here I was, moving on with the memories of him.

I was still in search of a story, but I was also happy with whatever I had until now. I worked so hard for it and will continue to do it until I reach my goals.

“You should have left early,” I plopped on my couch.

I was wearing a backless nude silk dress with the same heels and a black choker around my neck. I wore dark red lipstick with smoky eyes and kept my hair open in waves.

Time for a wild night.

“How early do you want me to leave for a nightclub?” Kayla snorted.

“Why do we have to go to Soul Groove again?” I grumbled.

“Because Michael is there.” She said in a duh tone.

Things between Kayla and Michael have been going pretty well. So good that she only wants to visit that one club I want to stay away from. But I was happy for my friend.

“Ask Michael to get a job somewhere else,” I grumbled.

“Once I get married, I will.” She cursed when someone horned behind her. “I’ll call you when I reach your apartment.”

“Ok...” I mumbled and cut the call.

There was a deafening silence that echoed through my apartment. Since Finlay, it hasn’t felt the same living here. Every corner of my apartment reminded me of him. I exhale a long breath and dropped my head on the couch.

“I seriously need a drink.”

I didn’t know how long I blankly stared at the ceiling but got out of my trance when the doorbell rang. Frowning, I hopped off my couch and walked towards the door.

“I thought you said you’ll call me-“ My whole body froze when I yanked the door and saw the last person I expected to be standing behind it. “Fin...”

“Amber...” His brows dipped into a frown like he wasn’t expecting me to open the door of my apartment.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t seeing things and not caring about the mascara I put on.

“What are you doing here?” We asked simultaneously, and I raised my brow at him.

“This is my apartment.” I crossed my arms.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” He scratched his head nervously. “I was driving by and then I saw this building- you know what? Just pretend I never came here.”

That’s something I’ve been trying to do for a long time, buddy.

“Wait!” I stopped him when he turned around to leave. “Since you are here, why don’t you come in?”

“Um...” His gaze slid over my body, leaving fire trails. “You look like you’re going somewhere I don’t want to interrupt-“

“You’re not.” I smiled and gestured inside. “Tea or Coffee?”

SoulmateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora