29| Fiancée

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My heart leaped with joy as I gazed at him standing in front of me. Though he was still in that white sweater shirt and jeans he had since day one, he looked more attractive than ever.

"I missed you too, Amber." He gave me a sad smile, then his brows knitted in confusion. "But what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to thank you for what you did for me," I mumbled, biting my lip. "I got out of the case."

"I'm glad to hear that." He jammed his hands in his pocket. "I'm sorry to cause you trouble-"

"It wasn't your fault." I averted my gaze down. "I came to apologize for what I said that day. I-I didn't mean to..."

"I know." I watched him getting closer to me.

"But you left me." I peeked into his ocean eyes I missed so much.

"I didn't mean to." He sighed. "After your burst out I thought of giving you some time and I went to get rid of those hair strands."

"How did you do it?"

"A magician never reveals his secret." He winked, making me scoff. "You did great at the court and I didn't know you recorded Candice-"

"Wait... What?" I frowned, and he gave me a sheepish smile. "You were at the hearing?" He nodded. "But I didn't see you there."

"I hid from you because I didn't want to add any fuel to the situation." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I thought of coming back to you..."

"Then why didn't you?" I whispered.

"The next day I felt them moving me. I went to check and turned out they were departing me. I don't know how, but my body kind of pulled me towards it, and the last thing I know I was here."

"Makes sense," I nodded.


"I read souls tend to be near their bodies." I shrugged. "That's how I figured you'd be here."

"You came to Scotland to apologize to me?" He raised his brows.

"Yup." I gave him a toothy grin. "And also to put you back in your body."

"What?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"I solved half of the mystery. I couldn't back up without getting to the end. After all..." I smirked. "I'm an investigative journalist."

"Half of it?" He tilted his head.

"The reason I can see you is that you saved my life," I told him the story of when I drowned. "I don't believe in destiny, but I think this explains why I can see you."

"To return the favor." He mumbled.

"Now it's my turn to save you."

"What are you planning?"

"I'm going to start with who got you in that accident." I eyed the castle.

"How are you going to get in?"

"Just watch me." I took a deep breath and climbed the stairs.

I grabbed the antique brass door knocker and banged it into the huge wooden door. The noise echoed inside and nothing happened.

"By the way, who lives here?" I asked Finlay, and he snorted.

"Many people."

I opened my mouth to question him but stopped when I heard footsteps coming towards us. The door creaked and an old guy dressed in a formal suit came into view.

"May ah help ye, youn' lady?" He asked in a Scottish accent and dragged his sharp gaze over my figure.

"He's the butler," Finlay said beside me.

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