23| Murderer

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“For the attempted murder of Mr. Finlay Reed.” My eyes widened in horror.

“You’re joking-“

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law-“

“And you need proof before making me guilty-“

“We have proof and an arrest warrant. You need to come with us right now or else we will be required to use force.”

“What proof?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“We’ll discuss it all in our office-“

“Conner?” I glanced at him and he averted his gaze from me.

“Right now Miss Katz.” The dark-haired officer extended his hand, and I smacked it.

“Show me the warrant.” I took it from him and couldn’t believe my eyes when I read it.

“We also have a search warrant, and we need to search your house now. If you tried to stop us-“

“Go ahead.” I cut him off and gestured inside. “Let me know if you find anything and don’t creep into my panties.” I plastered a fake smile on my face.

Finlay crossed his arms and watched the officers coming inside and began searching for... Whatever they were trying to find. Conner stood at the door frame and didn’t look at me once. I remained calm knowing I did nothing wrong but wondered what they found on me to get a warrant. My eyes widened at the thought.

The box is in my car!

I looked at the busy officers and Conner, then back at Finlay. I mouthed ‘The box‘ and his eyes widened in understatement. He walked past everyone out of my apartment. I didn’t know what he’ll do, but I believed he’ll get rid of it somehow.

After around half an hour of searching and looking at my things, they gave up when they didn’t find anything and asked me to come with them. When we walked downstairs, the officer asked for my car keys, which I hesitantly gave him.

Finlay was nowhere, and I suddenly felt nervous. The officer eyed me but said nothing and looked into my car. A breath of relief escaped my lips when he found nothing and I sat in the back of Conner’s car with one officer in front and the dark-haired one in the back with me.

I watched Finlay running towards me, and I scooted in the middle, making space for him. The officer raised his brows at me as the car began towards the road.

“I like to sit in the middle.” I shrugged. My cheeks heated in embarrassment when the dude looked at me like I was missing a few screws.

“I hid it,” Finlay mumbled from my right.

I nodded my head and turned it straight. My eyes caught Conners in the review mirror and I saw betrayal in them, but before I could put much thought into it, he diverted his gaze.

The ride to the FBI Field Office felt long and heavy. Everyone was quiet, but there was a storm inside my head. I tried to remember what kind of evidence I might have left for them to plead me guilty.

I was always careful, and the only thing that came to my mind was Candice. She must have said something and turned their direction towards me.

The car came to a halt and the officer next to me got out and waited beside the door for me as I would run away. Rolling my eyes at the dude, I stepped outside and angled my neck up to see the enormous building.

I always wanted to visit this place but as an investigator, not as a criminal.

Following the officers inside, I looked around. People were busy with their work and no one paid attention to us. We walked into the elevator and they pressed the button to some floor.

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