The End

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Colt and Jenna broke their rule of only weighing him once a month when they chose to weigh him before they left for his family's Christmas. Colt was hoping he was over 400 at that point since he had been eating more than ever before and moved probably once a day, but at that point he could weigh more or less.

The couch was fit to break, creaking loudly every time he did so much as shift an inch. They had a good fund to spend on new, reinforced furniture because of how close he came to breaking things on a regular basis, he'd broken two chairs already, but they hadn't gotten any yet because of the satisfaction of being so heavy he broke furniture.

In addition, Colt was getting into video games, with most of his time while Jenna was away consisting of him choosing between his consoles and playing for hours at a time while eating. He still worked, though, he just had a work from home job at a local IT company.

Jenna helped Colt off his chair and he slowly waddled to the bathroom, having to go through the door diagonally to fit. He huffed and groaned when he sat down on the side of the tub, hands resting on his belly.

"Jenna.... I..." he tried saying.

"Shh, I know how much of a struggle that was, just relax here and catch your breath before we weigh you~" she said, rubbing his gut with one hand.

It took a while, maybe even an hour, before Colt wanted to weigh himself.

The scale had a 400 pound limit, so if he was above that by even a little, the scale would error out.

Colt heaved himself up and got on the scale, the dots bouncing up and down before the scale read 'ERROR.'

"Oh my goodness, Colt, you weigh more than 400 pounds!"

She helped him get to the couch and set him down carefully before getting him the boxes of donuts on the dining room table. He stuffed three of them into his mouth at once and smiled, scooping Jenna into his fat. Jenna snuggled into the embrace and kissed his sugar-covered lips.

"You taste sweeter than ever~"

"Because your love makes me sweeter every day~"

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